


2014年01月10日 | 飲み会B級グルメ



 左からLさん、Tさん、Lさん みんな4年生





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2014年01月10日 | サイゴン生活


Hi! fabio and francesco
 How's your trip to Thailand? 
 You told me you'll be travelling across vietnam betwenn 16 and 24 january.
 I'll have my class at my University in the morning on 16th Jan.
 And,I'll have class on Fri.and Sat. After that I'll travel to North Africa.
 So.I'll be free  from 1pm to 9pm on 16th Jan.
 Please let me know the time when you'll arrive at Ho Chi Minh International Airport.
 If you'll arrive  in the afternoon  on 16th Jan, I'll show you travel company and hotel.         
                                            Yoshihiko Tara

Hi Tara! Nice to hear from you.
Our trip is going really good, we have already been to the north and to a small island in the south ( koh tao). Now we got back to bangkok and tomorrow we'll be travelling to cambodia. After 6 days in Cambogia we will travel by bus from Phnom Penh to Saigon. The 16th january we should arrive in the morning to Saigon, so between 1 pm and 9 pm we'll be there. We will let you know when we'll be about to leave phnom phen.
Thank you very much !
Best regards


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