
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

1400.My memory...

2011-07-30 10:06:35 | Topics

Really, I keep writing about "Henin" without getting bored. It goes beyond the bounds of my hobby, I'm surprised at myself(^^;)... But, I try to write about Henin, so, I can keep writing my blog. If some visitors come here to read my blog, maybe, they must be a fan of Henin☆

Sometimes, I try to bring back the memory why I became a crazy fan, I didn't remember it clearly(^^;)... Hmm.., it was when I watched Henin's match for the first time?... She played tennis very well, she was shorter, but did beautiful & strong one-handed backhand. And she looked like a heel player(^^;), but she had a big smile after winning the match, I might have become crazy for the "gap" too?(laugh). On my trip to Spain in 2007, I found the topic about Henin's victory in Warsaw in news paper.
If I become crazy like now, I should have been to Poland at that time...



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