
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!


2010-04-11 07:14:46 | Topics

Yesterday, I browsed some tennis magazines in a bookstore(sorry!). Hmm., my mind didn't change to buy it by the topics(laugh). so I didn't buy it. But I write about it a little on my blog☆. The magazines have the topics about Henin's forehand and one-handed backhand(These photos are not same as the magazines). Oh, this photo, I protect Henin from "Fetishism of glimpsing navel", right?(laugh). Yes, I protect her, her navel is "x" in my photo. It's just my joke, sorry(laugh)


Fetishism of glimpsing navel:It means to get glimpse or a flash of light, at the accidental moment when women do any sports. Men would think "Spark it!"(laugh).(Wikipedia)

Maybe, it's the only Japanese words(laugh)

* Navel(Wikipedia)

About Henin's forehand. I'm a layman, so I don't know the detail about it. According to these magazines, she gives a ball spin a lot to fight against the power players. Hmm.. yes, As these mention it, she would do that well. Her great technique to beat the power players, Very Nice☆

And about Henin's one-handed backhand. According to these magazines, Hitting earlier like this photo is the point you can deliver your maximum power. Heh.., Well, We often watch her photos of backhand from the front of her in this point. She extends her arm, Very beautiful form☆. I can't do that...

And, According to these magazine, "Take a full swing" is important. Even if you miss the sweet point a little, if you take a full swing, you would do well in the end. Wow, this photo, she is hitting her backhand with jumping. Yes, you can see, her full swing. Bravo☆

Basically, Henin is highly appreciated in Japanese magazines, so you would watch a few photos about her technique evey month☆. In this month's issue, Sugiyama-san commented about Henin, and these magazines totally edited "Henin came back and got stronger". Yes, that's right☆. And Sugiyama-san said, "When you retired and had a distance from tennis, you could get to find other player's "weak point" from your another view point", Also Sugiyama-san experiences it now. And she said, "Maybe, Henin is still young, she would have had different view to tennis, so she would think her challenging again would be valuable, so she came back". Yes, great comments to Henin☆. And the next clay season, she would play very well with her physical performance and tennis talent☆




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hahahah (ST)
2010-04-11 13:48:45
I laughed when I saw the "x" on Ju's navel..aww, I wanna see it, too bad u protected her in the photo..haha!

Yes, I loved her forehand and backhand, they're always her powerful assets in winning! And the third pic, I'm surprised that she hit the ball back with her racket held this way where the wrist was not "twisted"..it's almost like a fore-backhand...
Floating Justine (sly)
2010-04-11 21:02:05
wow, I rarely see Justine hits a backhand in the air, or maybe she floated because of her BH follow through... Of course Japanese always notice the technique first, and I'm glad it's Henin-sama's tennis that garners most attention to tennis pundits... oh O_O perfect capture of the tennis ball in Henin-sama's racket...

nice pictures suhu-san ^^
funny (sly)
2010-04-11 21:13:04
oh... what a funny little thing in Justine's tummy...nyahaha, it looks like a smiley to me

You protected Henin from "Fetishism of glimpsing navel"... omo, I'll check this topic later... =)

funny funny little x mark ^^
x or ☆ (suhu)
2010-04-12 12:53:18
Thank you very much for your comments about "x", ST-san and sly-san!!!!!

I was waiting for the comments about "x"(laugh). Let me write about another my story☆

Hmm., actually, I hesitated to upload Henin's navel "x"(laugh). Yes, of course, I like Henin, I want to protect her, and I know she is just a lady. So, I thought again another way to write about it. And I edited it as the linked following photo.


Oh, My God.., I'm so sorry, Ju... That's not my intention at all... Yes, I just want to protect you!

~laugh, laugh, laugh~

This was just another my story about "x" and "☆". I liked her "x". That's all(laugh).

I'm sorry Ju, I love you☆(^^;)


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