


2007-12-26 11:43:05 | Weblog
IFEX(International Freedom of Expression eXchange)によると、23日から黄が主催する人権ニュースサイト「六四天網」がブロックされ国内だけでなく海外からも表示できない状態が続いている。

Hackers block access to human rights website 64tianwang

Français: Victime de hackers, le site internet 64tianwang est bloqué
Country/Topic: China
Date: 23 July 2007
Source: Reporters Without Borders (RSF)
Target(s): Internet/website(s)
Type(s) of violation(s): attacked
Urgency: Threat
(RSF/IFEX) - Reporters Without Borders condemns the hacker attacks on http://www.64tianwang.com, a Chinese human rights website based in the United States, which forced the site to close on 18 July 2007. Launched by human rights activist Huang Qi after being released from prison in 2005, the site has been a major source of information about human rights violations in China. Part of its name refers to the Tiananmen Square massacre.

One of the site's editors told Radio Free Asia the method used by the hackers did not resemble those used by the Chinese Department of State Security. The attacks obstructed access to and management of the site but did not destroy any data. They also affected other human rights news websites hosted on the same server. The service provider has had to put a bandwidth limit on 64tianwang to prevent the entire server from going down.

Huang nonetheless suspects the Chinese government of being behind the attacks. "This kind of event can only happen if our articles irritate certain people. It remains to be known who was irritated by our editorial policy," he told RFA.