1章~3章で DRAFT版からの変更点
1.5.2 最後にあった The organising committee will decide the competition format. が削除されました。
2.3.2(b) 後半の赤い文章が、より詳細に変更されました。
⇒The floor is not restricted to white or light colour. However, the contrast between the colour of the floor and that of the coloured objects, collection box, or special zones will be large enough for a robot to identify objects, special zones, etc.
2.11.2 different for the primary and secondary age groups. ⇒ different between the primary and secondary age categories.
2.12.1 successfully (in one single trip to the Collection Box, refer to section 2.13) ⇒successfully (with one single trip to the Collection Box, refer to section 2.13)
The SUPER or SUPER+ objects generated by BLUE team can only be collected by the BLUE team itself. The SUPER or SUPER+ objects generated by RED team can only be collected by the RED team itself.
The SUPER or SUPER+ objects can only be collected by the team that generated the objects. For example, the SUPRE or SUPRE+ objects generated by BLUE team can only be collected by the BLUE team.
2.13.1 The dimensions can be less than 30cm x 30cm. ⇒The dimensions are less than 30cm x 30cm.
2.14.3 locate the real world away from sources of magnetic fields ⇒ place WORLD_1 (the real world) away from sources of magnetic fields
3.2.4 If a team fails to transport within the first 5 minutes, ⇒If a team fails to transport from ROBOT_1 to ROBOT_2within the first 5 minutes,
ここの transport の意味が良く分かりませんが・・・5分が経過しても、ROBOT_1 から ROBOT_2 への切り替えができない場合は・・・ということでしょう。