『子供たちにとっての本当の教科書とは何か』 ★学習探偵団の挑戦★



2018年07月21日 | 学ぶ



 ふつう自然体験や学校での観察や実験では、既にわかっている、あるいは、結果がすぐわかるものでの、結果の確認や照合に終わる場合がほとんどではないでしょうか? その過程での大きな変化やハプニングが仮にあっても、「びっくりさせるだけ」で、自らの考察するにいたるまで彼らを指導することは、あまり行われません



 三角形のイラストによって、食物連鎖を提示されても、おもしろさが生まれますか? 食物連鎖という、大きな枠組みに考えが及び、そのイメージが拡大しますか? その面白さのない知識を、ただ頭に入れていくのが、現在のほとんどの学習指導です。食物連鎖は、教室の机の上や、テキストの写真やイラストの中にあるのではありません。自然界、この地球上のあらゆるところで起こっている現象です。これを考えた時に、ファーブルがファーブルになったわけがわかるんではないでしょうか?それらが、ニュートンの云う、「真理の大海」のすべすべした石やきれいな貝殻に変わるのです。 
To teachers all over the world 2

 This week, I will show you some notes  of my thinking on “the sense about things of surroundings and the strong motivation for studying”, that inspired me about ten years ago.
 This is the case about Richard Feynman. In nature and his daily life, his father wanted his boy to think about life forms of animals,plants and other things in nature by their observations.And so he experienced the joy of thinking about life’s wonders and questions pertaining to them,and was given a sense about things in his surroundings.I named this sense KANKAKU,it’s “環 覚”written in Chinese characters.“the環(KAN)” means “Our surroundings or environments”, and “the覚(KAKU)” means “awareness about something”.

 In another example, Dr. Masukawa, Nobel Prize winning man in Japan, was interested in science taught to him by his father. This included the mechanisms and make-up of things. As examples the movement of the moon or the mechanisms of automatic doors and so on and so forth.
 In almost all of great men’s and Novelists’ childhood in their biographies or in the words of their memoirs of the childhood of Novelists and other great people. We can often find such similar examples by looking a little more carefully at the biographies.
 But we are apt to overlook entirely the important meanings of their words, because their biographies are usually written about their honorable achievements attained in adulthood and with little or nothing about their childhood.

 Feynman’s father, with his observations on biology of plants and animals and natural phenomena together questioned his son about the mechanisms and make-up. After listening to boy’s answers, he then informed him about his misconceptions with the intention for his son to rethink his answers deeply.  Those questions and answers led him to more deeply understand his surroundings.
 So Feynman had developed the habit of finding out about wonders and the depth of natural phenomena.
 In addition, his father prepared his child by using the Encyclopedia Britannica that had written articles by many famous leading scientists. They usually reviewed and thought about their wonders and questions together. That’s the most necessary habit to develop in order to do science and to be a good specialist.

And in his childhood, as he studied his surroundings and making constant efforts with patience, Feynman was assured that he got valuable things and rewards, from time to time.
He got GAKUTAIRYOKU, it’s “学体力” in Chinese characters. “学” means “Learning and studying”,“体力” usually means “Power to do something”, but in this case, I mean “Strong motivations to study“.
 Richard recollected like this.

 That’s the way I was educated by my father, with those kind of examples and discussions: no pressure-just lovely interesting discussions. It has motivated me for the rest of my life, and makes me interested in all the sciences. (It just happens I do physics better.)
 I’ve been caught, so to speak-like someone who was given something wonderful when he was a child, and he’s always looking for it again. I’m always looking, like a child, for the wonders I know I’m going to find ?maybe not every time, but every once in a while. (“What Do You Care What Other People Think? ” R. P. Feynman W.W.NORTON p16)

Giving priority to the joy of learning for a little child but lesser priority to study
 Look back Feynman’s saying that;It has motivated me for the rest of my life, and makes me interested in all the sciences. (It just happens I do physics better.)
 Reading his words “makes me interested in all the sciences”, you can understand his father’s education to be proper for small children and most important for them.
 Not learning only terms and knowledge of things by textbooks only, but by thinking more about mechanisms of things in the real world. It is the way that Feynman could attain the very interest of the sciences. And it is “the joy of studying” that gave him the power to maintain the interest of science.
