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世界最新情報 マイケルフリンとリンウッドのテレグラムより2021・3・30

2021-03-30 10:47:05 | 社会問題 日々雑感


Gen. Michael Flynnのテレグラムから:2021/3/30


The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it.


Our Soldiers have the strength to face danger, fear, or difficulty everyday.


Share if you support our soldiers!!!


Lin Woodのテレグラムから:2021/3/30

photo_2020-11-25_07-38-22 (640x388)

I am extremely honored to announce that a genuine American Patriot and hero, Lt. General Michael Flynn, has authorized me to publicly convey that he endorses and supports my campaign for Chair of the South Carolina Republican Party.


General Flynn is my friend. We have worked together at times over the past many months as our country has been in turmoil over the November 2020 election and our political future.

フリン将軍は私の友達です。 私たちの国は2020年11月の選挙と私たちの政治的未来をめぐって混乱しているため、私たちは過去数か月にわたって時々協力してきました。

General Flynn knows that my goal in South Carolina is to only serve the members of the Republican Party, not the establishment leaders or the special interests.


I am emboldened in my efforts to return the South Carolina Republican Party to We The People of South Carolina by having a man of General Flynn’s character and integrity standing by my side in the battle for the People’s right to govern themselves.


Thank you, General Flynn. God bless you, Sir. And God bless America.


フリン将軍、ありがとう。 神はあなたを祝福します、サー。 そして神はアメリカを祝福します。


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