DIARY yuutu

yuuutunna toki no nikki


2018-07-08 19:51:40 | 日記
「雄弁は銀、沈黙は金」と言う。 They say, “Speech is silver, silence is golden.”
「雄弁は銀」とは思わないが、「口は禍のもと」は本当だ。 You don’t think “Speec is silver,” but you really think, “The mouth is the gate of evil.”
慎重にしゃべるべきだ。 You shoud speak deliberately.
しゃべれば、たいてい、誤解され、悪意・妬み・敵意を呼び起こす。 Your speech is usually misunderstood, and causes others’ malice, envy, and hatred.
しゃべらず、めだたないようにしているのが最善だ。 It is the best for you neither to speak nor to make youself stand out.
「出る杭(クイ)は打たれる」と言う。 They say, “If you stand out, you are beaten.”

しかし「義を見てせざるは勇無きなり」とも言う。 However, they say, “If you see evil and do nothing against it, you are not courageous.”
時に、大胆な発言もする必要がある。 At some time, you should speak bravely.
もちろん、危険だ。 Of course, it’s dangerous.
「石橋をたたいて渡る」慎重さが必要だ。 You need to be deliberate like “You walk across a stone bridge while examining it.”

(3)TPO(Time, Place, Occasion)
また世の中はTPO(Time, Place, Occasion)が大事だ。 In addition, in daily life, it is important to act appropriately for the circumstances.
発言もTPOをわきまえないと、大変なことになる。 If you speak without acting appropriately for the circumstances, you become extremely troubled.

相手には、相手の言葉の意味・解釈の仕方がある。 Others give their own meanings to words or interpret them in their own way.
自分と相手では、同じ言葉が、異なる意味を持つ、あるいは、異なって解釈される。 Between you and others, the same words have different meanings, or they are differently interpreted.
これが誤解され、時に悪意・妬み・敵意を呼び起こす原因だ。 This is the reason why your speech is usually misunderstood, and causes others’ malice, envy, and hatred.
相手についての研究が必要だ。 You need to study others you have relationships with.
発言は、その後にすべきだ。 You had better speak to them only after the study.
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