k-sun's Blog



2020年07月31日 10時53分00秒 | Weblog
What is your favorite TV show right now, and why?

My favorite TV show right now is "Honmadekka TV" hosted by Samma Akashiya,
one of the most popular comedians in Japan.
This show is not only entertaining but also informative.
Samma creates a humorous atmosphere and specialists in their respective fields
provide interesting information.
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Daily Routine

2020年07月29日 11時32分41秒 | Weblog
Push-ups :20 times
Walking :60 minutes
Standing on one foot :11 minutes eachhe
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :15 minutes

I have been able to be a non-smoker for nine years and two hundred and
thirty-three days in a row.
I was able to increase the number of push-ups yesterday again by two times
to 20 times, and kept at least 10-time push-ups for the two hundred and
seventeenth straight day.

Very unfortunately, I was caught in a sudden rain on my way to the workplace
in the morning and the rain stopped a few minutes before I got there.
Very fortunately, since the pain from the gout attack almost completely
disappeared yesterday, I restarted doing some physical exercise.
Again, very unfortunately, my electric shaver is almost broken, and I have to
buy a new one today.
The shaver produced by Hiro Corporation was indeed very cheap, which was, if
I remember right, less than 2,000 yen.....That's why I could use it for less
than 6 months....maybe 4 or 5 months.....Heck.
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2020年07月28日 11時14分26秒 | Weblog
~への心の準備をする :get mentally prepared for ~
~への心の準備ができている :be mentally prepared for ~
これから建設されることになっている :yet-to-be-built
未記入の、これから書き込まれることになっている :yet-to-be-filled-out
10人に1人 :one in ten people
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Three Sentences (305)

2020年07月25日 10時50分05秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        ~するのに形(副)しすぎることはない :never too 形(副)to do

① You are never too old to learn.

② It was never too soon for the famous comedian to express his regret.

③ It is never too early to prepare for flu season.
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2020年07月22日 10時46分29秒 | Weblog
Do you prefer reading the newspaper?

Well, actually, I prefer watching TV news programs because TV news is easy to understand.
As they say in the United States, a picture is worth a thousand words.
However, when I want to catch up with the latest news,
I read news articles on the Internet, which I think is the quickest way to get coverage of a breaking story.
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2020年07月19日 11時15分10秒 | Weblog
日頃から :on a routine basis
一年の今ごろ :this time of the year
去年の今ごろ :this time last year
先週の金曜日の今ごろ : this time last Friday
明日の今ごろ :this time tomorrow
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Today's Writing (412)

2020年07月16日 10時55分15秒 | Weblog
A person of intelligence says, "What is life force?
That is the ability to trust in the future.
And it is another name for the ability to continue to renew hope day after day."
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Three Sentences (304)

2020年07月13日 10時28分03秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        ~に目を光らせて :on the lookout for ~

① We'd better be on the lookout for threats.

② The detective was on the lookout for the evidence of the murder case.

③ Teachers should be on the lookout for telltale sign of bullying.
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2020年07月10日 11時14分48秒 | Weblog
~を最優先で :to make it one's utmost priority to do
~を励行する :make a habit of doing
~が注入される、~が漲る :be infused with 
歓喜に沸く :be infused with great joy
活気づく :be infused with energy
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Today's Writing (411)

2020年07月07日 10時41分35秒 | Weblog
As for human resource development, the question is the posture of those
on the part of fostering.
If your life becomes like an unclouded mirror, you will never fail to find
strengths in others.
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