k-sun's Blog


Three Sentences (48)

2013年10月29日 13時59分33秒 | Weblog
Three illustrative sentences of my own composition

        どちらかといえば :if anything

① I've come to think that this book is , if anything, better than that one.

② If anything, she is stingy, not economical.

③ If anything, I prefer TV dramas to movies although I like both.
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Today's Writing (153)

2013年10月26日 17時37分51秒 | Weblog
One of the world's greatest writers, Hesse, says,
"Those who have hope are truly happy."
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Three Sentences (47)

2013年10月24日 18時36分58秒 | Weblog
Three illustrative sentences of my own composition

        ~の違い :the difference in(between)~

① The difference in color expresses the degree of wound.

② I couldn't tell what is the difference in these three words.

③ Could you tell me the difference between these two words?
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I need more time.

2013年10月13日 13時18分26秒 | Weblog
I bought a new personal computer, and I really need much more time
to get used to operating the PC as well as to move data from the 98-type
computer to this Windows-8-type one.
So, I may not have enough time to be here for several days.
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Today's Writing (152)

2013年10月07日 14時39分35秒 | Weblog
Mr. Nan-kichi Niimi, a writer of stories for children including "Gon Gitsune",
says, "Pathos will never fail to change into love."
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Three Sentences (46)

2013年10月04日 18時06分03秒 | Weblog
Three illustrative sentences of my own composition

        9月1日の週 :during the week of September 1st

① I'm going to visit my friend during the week of September 1st.

② Are you free during the week of April 20th?

③ Please let me know your availability during the week of June 16th.
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Today's Writing (151)

2013年10月01日 18時48分51秒 | Weblog
Dr. Forbes Munro, a professor emeritus of Glasgow University in Britain,
says, "What's important is not what you are but what you have done."
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