k-sun's Blog


Three Sentences (312)

2020年10月29日 09時36分40秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        名詞への指針、手引書、手掛かり :a guide to 名詞

① The business man desperately wanted a guide to career success.

② His sexual liaison with a famous actress was a guide to his downfall.

③ The book is a guide to the good life at low cost.
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2020年10月26日 09時31分50秒 | Weblog
降水確率 :chance of rain
2ダースの~ :two dozen ~
先の~、先日の~ :recent ~ 
質問や不明点 :questions or concerns
USドル(日本円)で :in US dollars(Japanese yen)
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Today's Writing (419)

2020年10月23日 10時52分53秒 | Weblog
I may need to become indifferent to everything because I do not have
overwhelming power or overwhelming wealth to fight against such evil deeds
by callous and dangerous people around me.
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2020年10月20日 11時22分38秒 | Weblog
One of your friends has become a shut-in and you are so concerned.
Talk to him/her.

a shut-in :引きこもりの人

Hey, it's me.
Let me in, please.
What's going on?
Tell me anything.
I'm always on your side.
If you need professional assistance, I'll search the Internet for information
about support groups for shut-ins, OK?
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2020年10月17日 10時26分29秒 | Weblog
しあさって :three days from now
生活費 :living costs
つまりSV :Which means (that) SV/
と言うと? :Which means? Which means what?
一番大切なのは~ :It's all about ~
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Three Sentences (311)

2020年10月14日 10時57分42秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        ~の側の :on the part of ~

① This must be a mistake on the part of management.

② There was no objection on the part of those present.

③ Positive cooperation on the part of the host country is essential.
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2020年10月11日 11時33分19秒 | Weblog
Which tower do you like better, Tokyo Tower or Tokyo Skytree?

Well, if I remember right, I have been to Tokyo Tower twice,
where there was a small aquarium many decades ago.
But actually, I don't think I can go easily to Tokyo Skytree
simply because the admission fee to go up to its viewing decks is 3,600 yen for one adult,
which I think is too expensive .
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2020年10月08日 10時39分28秒 | Weblog
~だと思うときもあった:There was a while there when I used to think that SV
前売り券 / 当日券 :an advance ticket / a same day ticket
梅雨入り :beginning of the rainy season
梅雨明け :end of the rainy season
梅雨のまっただなか :be in the middle of the rainy season
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Today's Writing (418)

2020年10月05日 09時39分10秒 | Weblog
A person says that if you do not have overwhelming power or overwhelming wealth,
you can never gain revenge and you have no choice but to go to bed crying.
Which means, all that most people including me have to do first is
learn to accept reluctant concession, which can naturally be one of the wisest options.
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Three Sentences (310)

2020年10月02日 10時53分08秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        人に do させる :cause 人 to do

① Office politics have really caused the new employee to be stressed out.

② Finnish education causes students to develop their passion for study.

③ His demading post has finally caused him to be physically sick.
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