k-sun's Blog


Today's Writing (221)

2015年01月30日 12時04分16秒 | Weblog
One of the greatest business people, Mr. Kounosuke Matsushita, says,
"If you renew yourself every morning, every day will be the New Year.
Renewed mind will make everything look new and happy."
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Three Sentences (114)

2015年01月27日 11時51分00秒 | Weblog
Three illustrative sentences of my own composition

        ちょっと~させて下さい :Allow me to do

① Allow me to check.

② Allow me to ask......Why now?

③ Allow me to begin by thanking you for making great efforts for our company.
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2015年01月24日 12時21分38秒 | Weblog
By the way, do you have any brand goods?
What are your favorite brands?
If not, why don't you like them?

Actually, I don't like brands very much because I think they are very expensive.
If I have to buy something, I'd like a less expensive one.
I've taken a look at a Luis Vuitton bag before, which cost 150,000 yen.
Who pays for it?
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Today's Writing (220)

2015年01月21日 11時53分27秒 | Weblog

Chaplin says, "Life is a tragedy if seen up close, but if seen in long shot, it's a comedy."
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Three Sentences (113)

2015年01月16日 12時31分37秒 | Weblog
Three illustrative sentences of my own composition

        2ヵ月後には :in two months ahead, two months from now

① He will be a college student in two months ahead.

② The first album of the famous Idol group is to be released two months from now.

③ The unmanned space probe is expected to reach the Mars in ten months ahead.
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Today's Writing (219)

2015年01月09日 20時21分52秒 | Weblog
Those who are nihilistic or apathetic will never achieve a thing
even if they have some abilities.
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Three Sentences (112)

2015年01月03日 12時16分49秒 | Weblog
Three illustrative sentences of my own composition

        ~しそうである、~する可能性が高い :be likely to do

① He is likely to get home so late.

② It's likely to start raining pretty soon.

③ We are likely to save up quite a lot of money in a year.
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