k-sun's Blog



2015年11月30日 17時38分03秒 | Weblog
What would you like for Christmas this year?

Actually I have never been given a Christmas present, but
if I could get something, I would like a lottery ticket.
And I would enjoy dreamy thought for some time until I check the winning numbers.
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2015年11月28日 13時51分50秒 | Weblog
What is your favorite food?

My favorite food is Natto which goes well with hot rice.
There are many Japanese people who hate natto because it is an acquired taste.
But natto is a very healthy food, containing many kinds of nutrients and
all the essential amino acids.
And natto is comparable to meat or dairy products as a protein source.
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Three Sentences (148)

2015年11月26日 12時10分28秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        もしかしたら<that以下>かもしれません :It may be that SV

① It may be that there was no problem with his application for a business license.

② It may be that she should not have said such a thing.

③ It may be that we had better do it all by ourselves from next time.
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2015年11月24日 12時48分08秒 | Weblog
Given the choice, would you rather live in the mountains or near the ocean ?

Well, I think there are advantages and disadvantages to both living near the ocean
and living in the mountains.
Personally, I would rather live near the ocean.
Some people say a mountain life is peaceful, but I think it will be too quiet for me.
Actually, I like a little busy place.
For example, I need convenience stores, Mac restaurants, major supermarkets,
large discount stores, and 100-yen shops.
So, I'd like to live in a seaside town, because, generally speaking, it is likely
to have a larger population than a mountain town.
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Today's Writing (254)

2015年11月22日 13時02分53秒 | Weblog
Just as there is no building without a foundation,
a treaty without faith is nothing but a house of cards.
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2015年11月20日 12時50分33秒 | Weblog
Suppose you have noticed something is wrong with your phone.
What would you say to the telephone company?

Hello, my phone is not working properly.
I can hear some static background noise and I have a bad connection
during a conversation.
Is there anything I can do to fix my phone?
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2015年11月18日 16時56分06秒 | Weblog
When your husband wants you to be a full-time homemaker and you want to get a job,
what would you say to him?

See, I'd really like to work outside and you know it's not for the money
but just for something to live for.
I promise I'll take care of housework well.
What do you think about that?
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Three Sentences (147)

2015年11月16日 14時40分47秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        ~ごとに :for each 名詞

① For each right answer, the amount of prize money increases by 10,000 yen.

② For each job interview, there will be five questions in English.

③ For each student in the college, a 7-digit ID number will be given by the end of April.
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2015年11月14日 13時06分43秒 | Weblog
Suppose you cannot sleep well because your spouse is snoring loudly.
What would you say to your spouse?

Honey, I have to say you were snoring so loudly last night and I was not able
to sleep well.
I was worried something might have happened to you.
If your snoring worsens, I think you should get the doctor's opinion.
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Today's Writing (253)

2015年11月12日 16時23分04秒 | Weblog
When he was a new employee at a major beer producer, Mr. Kunihiko Mochizuki, a former head
of a famous Chinese food restaurant chain, was once asked by the beer company president,
"What do you think 'regular employment' is?"
The president said, "This means 'You start working here from today as acting president'."
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