k-sun's Blog


Today's Writing (145)

2013年08月30日 18時39分38秒 | Weblog
When parents scold their children, what should grandparents do?
One of the best things is to talk to their grandchildren
about one of the beauty parts in the parents' childhood.
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Three Sentences (39)

2013年08月28日 18時10分38秒 | Weblog
Three illustrative sentences of my own composition

        前もって~していました :have gone ahead and ~

① I have gone ahead and applied for another college just in case.

② He has gone ahead and kept in reserve some copies of the document.

③ The school has gone ahead and tolled additional charges for electricity for
this summer's use of air conditioners.
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Today's Writing (144)

2013年08月25日 16時09分05秒 | Weblog
Japanese MLB player Ichiro Suzuki says just after he achieved his 4000th hit,
"In order to send 4000 hits, I have felt frustrated more than 8000 times.
If I have something to be proud of, that is the fact that I have given full
attention to the over-8000-time mortifying failures."
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Three Sentences (38)

2013年08月23日 17時47分15秒 | Weblog
Three illustrative sentences of my own composition

        ~を秘密にしておく :keep 名詞 to oneself

① The wife had to keep the love affair by her husband to herself.

② The news reporters could not keep what the prime minister said about the
controversial issue to themselves.

③ The policeman was asked to keep the traffic accident by a famous actress to himself.
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Today's Writing (143)

2013年08月20日 15時32分06秒 | Weblog
Especially when we are in times of suffering,
we should not forget to smile at our family members every morning and evening.
That will be the strong energy for husbands who are struggling in battle fields of society
as well as will give sufficient greenness and rising sun in our childern's hearts.
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Three Sentences (37)

2013年08月18日 18時04分21秒 | Weblog
Three illustrative sentences of my own composition

        ~ということはままある、~の時もある :There are times when SV

① There are times when babies make a mess of the room.

② There are times when even a compatible married couple have a huge row.

③ There are times when even I overeat and overdrink.
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Today's Writing (142)

2013年08月14日 17時33分49秒 | Weblog
Spreading friendships and trust through cherishing one person in your surroundings
is the very construction of peace.
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Three Sentences (36)

2013年08月13日 13時17分18秒 | Weblog
Three illustrative sentences of my own composition

   _年に~した時のことを思い起こす :think back to the time in __ when

① I thought back to the time in my junior high school days when I achieved a
perfect game at a soft-ball tennis tournament.

② Can you think back to the time in 2000 when we got married?

③ He was thinking back to the time in the 1980s and the 1990s when he worked
for a major electronics company.
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Today's Writing (141)

2013年08月09日 16時09分25秒 | Weblog
Exuberant imagination is a kind of exclamation of the soul,
which leads to the ability to sympathize with others.
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Three Sentences (35)

2013年08月08日 20時12分09秒 | Weblog
Three illustrative sentences of my own composition

        遠慮なく~する、気楽に~する :feel free to do

① She always feels free to moan to me about her co-worker.

② Please feel free to call me whenever possible.

③ Have you ever felt free to talk to the Oscar-winning actress?
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