Three example sentences of my own composition
つまずく、踏み外す、転ぶ :trip over
① Watch out, or you will trip over a power cord.
② I have never seen a person trip over a banana peel.
③ She began crying just after she tripped over furniture.
Three example sentences of my own composition
つまずく、踏み外す、転ぶ :trip over
① Watch out, or you will trip over a power cord.
② I have never seen a person trip over a banana peel.
③ She began crying just after she tripped over furniture.
Suppose you are going on a trip and may not return for a long time.
Say goodbye to your parents.
See, I'm planning to study English in LA for one year
and I don't think I can easily get back home.
Please don't worry about me because I think I'm well prepared.
Instead, why don't you visit me during my stay in LA?
私の実家 :my parents' home
~と会えば挨拶する間柄だ :I have a nodding acquaintance with ~
~と話をする間柄だ :I am on speaking terms with ~
やることがたくさんある :have much work to do
時を無駄にする :waste time
~を搭載している :be loaded with ~
The path for peace is full of hardships.
Therefore, never stop.
If you give up, you cannot defuse the situation.
Peace is a fight against a feeling of resignation.
Three example sentences of my own composition
名詞の場合を除いて :except in 名詞
① You can contact me anytime except in the most unusal circumstances.
② He will be able to leave the hospital next Monday except in advanced cases.
③ She was allowed to do anything except in the case where he figured it was dangerous.
What is your favorite musical instrument to listen to and why?
Do you play it?
Unfortunately, I have no musical talent to play an instrument.
But I like the violin, especially its high-pitched sounds.
Because they evoke a sense of agreeable tension which characterizes the string instruments.
家計簿をつける :keep track of one's spending
視線を外す :avoid eye contact
敵意 :hostile intention
敬意のしるしとして :as a mark of respect
付き合って、交際して :in a relation
花嫁(婿)候補 :a potential partner
Understanding the other person sometimes becomes the greatest encouragement.
Human beings tend to develop a zest for living when they know the fact
that there is one person who understands them.
Do you like Disneyland?
Why or why not?
Well, honestly, I cannot say I love it.
Because the admission fee is too expensive.
One Day Passport of Tokyo Disneyland is 7,400 yen for one adult.
And I need transportation costs from Nagoya, hotel expenses
and other personal costs during my stay in Tokyo.
Going to Disneyland is one of the most expensive leisure activities for me.
~が怖いと感じる :feel afraid of ~ = be scared of ~
他人の犬 :other people's dogs
病欠を取る :take a sick day
病欠の電話を入れる :call in sick
金欠だ :be short of money
階段から落ちる :fall down some stairs