~にこのような多額の金を使う :spend such a large amount of money on
~の開始と同時に :at the start of ~
予約を申し込む :sign up for an appointment
~の場合には請求がある :there will be a charge for
~には5ドルの追加料金がかかるだろう :there will be an additional $5
charge on
If a time machine could take you anywhere for one day,
would you go to the past or the future, and if so why?
I would go to the past.
Since I believe life is eternal by repeating life and death,
I would like to see previous-life behavior of a living evil person
and find out what wrongdoings make someone a bad person.
If I can identify bad causes, I will be able to get a clue to clarify good causes.
直接原因 :direct cause
間接原因 :indirect cause
土砂災害 :damage from a landslide
東半分 :the eastern half
東半球 :the Eastern Hemisphere〔グリニッジ子午線の東側にある