k-sun's Blog



2017年08月31日 12時00分01秒 | Weblog
とても光栄なんだけど :I'm very flattered, but SV
起業する :self-start a business
面倒なことに巻き込まれたくない :I don't want to be involved in something troublesome.
急で申し訳ないんだけど :It's a little sudden, but SV
元気を出して :Cheer up.
埋め合わせはするよ :I'm make it up to you.
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Today's Writing (309)

2017年08月29日 12時10分06秒 | Weblog
Determination is easy, but it would become meaningless without putting it into action.
Victors are the people who are perseverant, overcome themselves and never break a vow.
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2017年08月27日 12時16分22秒 | Weblog
You are terribly scared of riding on an airplane
and your friend has asked you to fly to Australia together for vacation.
What would you say to the friend?

Thank you very much for asking me and I'd really love to go with you,
but honestly, I'm too scared to get on an airplane.
When you travel by train or something, I'll definitely go together.
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2017年08月25日 12時08分47秒 | Weblog
小さなことですぐ感情的になる :S gets emotional easily by small things
Sは上から目線だ :S takes a haughty attitude
学業 :schoolwork
ちょっと困ったことがって :I have a little trouble.
私はあなたに気がある :I have feelings for you.
Sはめんどうくさいなあ :S is disturbing my daily schedule.
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Three Sentences (203)

2017年08月23日 11時55分57秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        ~することは初めてだ :It is my first time --ing

① It's my first time taking the train in this country.

② It's not my first time playing tennis with her.

③ Is it your first time coming to Japan?
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2017年08月21日 12時28分50秒 | Weblog
You forgot your wedding anniversary.
What would you say to your spouse?

Honey, I'm very very sorry I forgot our anniversary,
but I reserved the restaurant tonight where I proposed you.
It may be too late, but would you please celebrate it with me tonight?
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2017年08月19日 12時20分34秒 | Weblog
大学時代 :during college
あなたの今の気持ちは? :How did that make you feel?
警察に通報する :I will alert the police.
もし君が私の立場なら :If you were me,
言いにくいんだけど :I hesitate to say this, but SV
頼りがいがない :unreliable
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Today's Writing (308)

2017年08月17日 11時55分27秒 | Weblog
It is when you move people's hearts that you can make substantial progress in any situation.
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Three Sentences (202)

2017年08月15日 12時35分37秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        ~をほとんど理解していない :have little understanding of ~

① Infants seem to have little understanding of the concept of time.

② Nobody had little understanding of the level of my anger against the callous people.

③ What he had little understanding of was his girl friend's affection toward him.
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2017年08月13日 12時06分48秒 | Weblog
When one of your co-workers is constantly talking to you at work
and you cannot focus on your duties, what would you say to him/her?

Hey, please stop talking to me.
I really have to concentrate on my tasks now.
And during working hours, please don't distract me.
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