k-sun's Blog



2016年10月31日 12時19分26秒 | Weblog
Please explain "Hina-matsuri" in English.

Well, "Hina-matsuri", also known as "The Girl's festival", is held on March 3rd.
As its name suggests, this festival is for the girls in Japan.
If a family has a daughter, the Hina Matsuri Dolls are displayed
in order to pray for a happy and healthy life for the daughter.
In this connection I may add that Sugakiya Ramen shops offer a half-price sale
every year around this time, based on the meaning of Hina-matsuri.
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2016年10月29日 12時22分10秒 | Weblog
Will you talk about your hometown?

Well, my hometown is Oharu-cho with a population of about 30,000 people,
which is located next to the west side of Nagoya, in Japan.
I feel Oharu-cho is a very dangerous town because I have almost lost
my life many times by dangerous drivers.
So, I'll just have to pray for your safety when you come to my hometown.
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Three Sentences (175)

2016年10月27日 12時16分01秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        Sが一番大事、最優先 :S comes first

① Safety comes first.

② Customers come first.

③ What comes first in your marketing strategy?
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2016年10月25日 11時57分10秒 | Weblog
Do you think school uniforms are a good idea?
Why or why not??

Yes, I think so.
It's very convenient for children to have school uniforms.
School uniforms are formal wear for school boys and girls, so
they can wear at every opportunity including funerals and weddings.
It's no wonder that having a formal dress is a good thing.
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Today's Writing (281)

2016年10月23日 12時48分44秒 | Weblog
All the challenges facing human beings, such as resolution of public hazard, realization of happiness
and elimination of human hostile sentiments, are the themes which are imposed on today's universities.
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2016年10月21日 12時13分16秒 | Weblog
What is an important place that you frequently go to?
Describe the place and explain specific reasons in your answer.

The important place that I frequently go to is MacDonald's restaurants for two reasons.
Firstly, I can enjoy a cup of coffee at a cost of only 100 yen in order to secure my study time.
I go there at least three times a week because I can concentrate on practice of English for more than one hour.
Secondly, going to one of Mac restaurants from my work place is beneficial to my health.
Because it takes me one hour and 20 minutes to walk to and from there.
Besides, while walking, I make a practice of memorizing English expressions.
Walking time is also precious study time for me.
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2016年10月19日 12時47分41秒 | Weblog
ハマる、とりつかれる :get compulsive
ハマる、とりつかれる :get hooked on ~
~にかかわる問題 :problems with ~
寝酒を飲む :get a drink as a nightcap
~するために私にできることはありますか :Is there anything I can do to do ?
どちからというとAがしたいですかBですか :Would you rather do-A or do-B ?
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2016年10月17日 12時20分50秒 | Weblog
What is the hardest thing for you about learning English?
Why is it so hard?

Well, when I study English, I feel the most difficult thing
is article usage including zero article and bare plural.
Because it's very complicated and seems to have an infinite variation.
Especially while speaking, I may have to ignore the usage.
By the way, should I have used "usages" instead of "usage"?
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2016年10月15日 12時12分42秒 | Weblog
You have a friend who always seems to be happy.
What would you say to find out why he/she does so?

Hey, you always look so happy.
I'm a bit curious as to why.
May I ask you what keeps your spirits up?
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Three Sentences (174)

2016年10月13日 11時52分26秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        こちらから連絡します :I'll be in touch.

① I'll be in touch at a later date.

② Thank you for asking me, but I cannot say YES now. I'll be in touch.

③ Give me a little longer to think about it and I'll be in touch.
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