k-sun's Blog


Today's Writing (53)

2012年05月31日 13時36分11秒 | Weblog
Mr. Masahiro Miyazaki, a professor at Atomi Gakuen Women's University, says,
"A society where the elderly and the disabled cannot live without hindrance is to blame."
Indeed, a society where they can live without hindrance must be comfortable to live for everyone.
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Today's Writing (52)

2012年05月25日 13時05分33秒 | Weblog
Asked what is the true wealth for human beings,
US economist Dr. L. Thurow answered immediately,
"spirit of adventure and spirit of inquiry."
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Today's Writing (51)

2012年05月22日 20時05分54秒 | Weblog
During a class at school in the United States, a laboratory rat ran away.
Then, a teacher asked a blind student in the class to look for it.
The teacher knew the blind boy had a keener sense of hearings than eyesight.
Later, due to the sense of hearings, the blind boy grew up to become one of the greatest
musicians in the world.
His name is Stevie Wonder.
He said reminiscently, "It was when the teacher esteemed my abilities that my new life started."
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Today's Writing (50)

2012年05月19日 13時52分38秒 | Weblog

One day, a forest was being burned in a fire.
While animals were managing to get away and going astray,
a hummingbird was seen carrying a drop in its mouth in order to extinguish
the forest fire, going and returning many times over.
The fleeing animals said, "It's useless!"
The hummingbird replied, "I'm just doing what I can do."
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Today's Writing (49)

2012年05月18日 20時50分37秒 | Weblog
Ms. Nobuko Nakano, who is researching on human beings from the field of encephalology, says
the reason why we feel pleasure when we meet our appetite for sleeping and eating is that
the appetite leads to survival.
Just like this, the reason why we feel pleasure through altruistic behavior is that
the behavior is connected directly with survival in a group.
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Today's Writing (48)

2012年05月14日 13時16分41秒 | Weblog
Mr. Motley, a principal of Massachusetts University of Boston, says,
"How about changing the idea that "I'm not an educator"?
I think everyone is an educator.
I mean everyone has the power to change the world."
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Today's Writing (47)

2012年05月10日 17時51分16秒 | Weblog
One is never defeated by difficulties.
One is defeated by oneself through losing fighting spirit.
Even if you are beaten down to the ground, you can get up
as long as you have the fighting spirit.
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Today's Writing (46)

2012年05月05日 14時40分26秒 | Weblog
Mr. Arnold J. Toynbee, one of the greatest historians in the 20th century, says
that a war is not diplomacy under another form but retribution from failed diplomacy.
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Today's Writing (45)

2012年05月03日 19時09分19秒 | Weblog
Mothers' power is the power of the earth.
Just as the earth grows and produces plants, flowers and fruit,
mothers are the earth of creation and education, nurturing everything.
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