k-sun's Blog



2016年08月30日 12時05分16秒 | Weblog
Suppose you're sharing a desk with a co-worker at the office.
He always messes up and never cleans up after himself.
What would you say to him?

Hey, I have to say, you always mess up our desk.
Please tidy up the desk after you use it.
Actually, I don't want to clean up your mess.
And I have to ask you not to eat lunch at the desk.
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Today's Writing (277)

2016年08月28日 11時37分08秒 | Weblog
"Field site" or Genba in Japanese means each person's life, work and genuine feeling.
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2016年08月26日 12時07分33秒 | Weblog
Where would you most like to live?
Describe the place and explain why you would like to live there.

I would most like to live in Japan for two reasons.
Firstly, Japan is well known for its good public safety.
According to some international surveys, Japan has always been ranked as one of the top ten
most peaceful nations in the world.
The crime rate is really low, and even when you are walking alone late at night along an empty street,
you are highly unlikely to become a victim or a witness of a crime.
Secondly, Japanese people have very easy access to clean water.
If you need some water outside, you have only to go to a park and turn on a faucet.
You can get safe drinking water free of charge.
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2016年08月24日 12時17分14秒 | Weblog
気分を変える :change the mood
~に立ち寄る :drop by
水道料金 :water charges
無料で :for free
~する傾向がある :be apt to do / tend to do
スリ :pickpocets
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2016年08月22日 12時37分49秒 | Weblog
Your roommate's girlfriend is spending a lot of time at your apartment.
Tell your roommate that this is a problem.

Listen, our apartment is already pretty small, right?
And whenever your girlfriend is overstaying her welcome, I feel much more cramped.
Besides, she can easily see my private photos, PC, underwear and many other personal belongings.
I'm afraid my privacy has been violated.
Please ask her not to stay too long, will you?
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2016年08月20日 12時22分32秒 | Weblog
Suppose you've just got back to your hotel from a night out.
You've found someone broke into your room while you were out.
Explain the situation to the hotel manager.

Excuse me, but my room was broken into by someone.
I've returned to my room now and found my passport and valuables are gone.
Please call the police and tell me what I should do.
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Three Sentences (170)

2016年08月18日 12時36分12秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        副詞ー現在分詞(~に~している) :(例)fast-growing business

① Many companies are trying to gain access to the fast-growing Asian markets.

② At last, they discovered an ever-mutating virus.

③ This plant has been producing the best-selling cooking oil for ten years.
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2016年08月16日 12時35分30秒 | Weblog
You have just one thing that you want to complain about to your best friend.
Talk about it to me.

Well, actually my best friend passed away when he was forty years old.
And in fact I had one thing that I wanted to complain about to him.
My best friend very often felt lonely very easily.
Actually, we shared a house in our college days.
When both he and I were in our respective rooms, he couldn't stay in his room alone.
He always came into my room and wanted to talk with me
even when I felt like being alone.
To be honest, I sometimes felt he was annoying and troublesome.
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Today's Writing (276)

2016年08月14日 12時55分17秒 | Weblog
Let's only apply our mind to do our utmost today.
Devote yourself to your tasks before you
rather than oscillate on what to do, thinking about the murky future.
Use up all of your energy today.
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2016年08月12日 12時35分13秒 | Weblog
Young people should be encouraged to work or travel for a year
between finishing high school and starting university studies.
Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

I disagree with this statement for two reasons.
Firstly, the best time to start academic life at college is just after high school graduation.
Because students have developed good study habits and their learning ability has been fully activated
through earnest preparation for entrance examinations.
Secondly, a gap year is likely to end up with a mere memory.
Because students in their late teens are still too immature to get much out of such a long break.
After they have raised awareness of issues and deepened their perspective through academic life,
their experience of traveling or working will be beneficial.
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