k-sun's Blog


Three Sentences (244)

2018年10月31日 12時39分41秒 | Weblog

Three example sentences of my own composition

     ~するくらいなら死んだ方がましだ :wouldn't be caught dead (doing または 前置詞+名詞)

① I would never be caught dead going to such a party.

② I wouldn't be caught dead at such a party.

③ I wouldn't be caught dead in such a costume.

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2018年10月29日 12時18分36秒 | Weblog

Which is scarier, bungee jumping or skydiving?

Well, actually I hate both.
But if I had to choose one, I would say bungee jumping is much scarier than skydiving.
When you bungee-jump, you usually fall headlong alone.
So, you will not be able to have a great view.
On the other hand, when you skydive, you jump with an instructor
and you may enjoy a bird's eye view.

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2018年10月27日 12時46分55秒 | Weblog

諸悪の根源 :the root of all evils
全ての人の心の中にある虐待衝動への無関心さ :indifference to everyone's impulse to abuse
ベストセラーの本 :a bestselling book
累進課税 :progressive taxation
~を放置する :leave ~ continue unchecked
人類の知恵 :the wisdom of mankind

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Today's Writing (351)

2018年10月25日 12時32分59秒 | Weblog

The conviction of Tolstoy, one of the world's greatest literary figures, is
"Those who have learned to bear hardship cannot become unhappy."

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2018年10月23日 12時27分50秒 | Weblog

Suppose you are traveling with one of your friends and he/she is driving you crazy.
Because there is nothing he/she wants to do or see and he/she does not leave you alone.
When you need to be by yourself, what would you say without hurting his/her feelings?

See, would you hate me if I have some alone time?
I'd like to take time to clear my head and think about our tomorrow's plan.
Because I want to spend quality time with you, OK?

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2018年10月21日 12時23分57秒 | Weblog

おかず :side dishes
ただでさえ大変なのに :hard enough already
悪質な :heinous
生存権の侵害 :invasion of human rights to life
身近な例を挙げる :take a mundane example
人命を軽視する :disregard human life

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Three Sentences (243)

2018年10月19日 12時00分21秒 | Weblog

Three example sentences of my own composition

        (人)の~に期待する :look to someone for ~

① Unfortunately, I couldn't look to anyone for help at that time.

② Acutally, I had no choice but to look to the doctor for advice on how to sleep well.

③ I really want to look to you for approval.

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2018年10月17日 12時56分13秒 | Weblog

When you are walking to your table in a restaurant, you accidentally hit someone's arm
and that person spills hot coffee on himself/herself.
What would you say to him/her?

Oh, I'm terribly sorry.
Are you all right?
I'll call the manager and ask for the first-aid kit.
And please send your dry cleaning bill to me.
Here is my business card.
I'm really sorry.

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2018年10月15日 13時09分46秒 | Weblog

焦るな :There is no need to hurry.
電話で :on the telephone
ここ27年間 :for the last 27 years
軟式テニス :soft tennis, using soft rubber balls instead of hard yellow balls
スポーツに値するようなもの :something that's worthy of sports
いろいろあって、種々の事情で :for various reasons

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Today's Writing (350)

2018年10月13日 12時55分17秒 | Weblog

Schiller, a person of thought, says, "Just as we can see stars in the darkness of night,
it is in distress and sufferings that we can see the meaning of life."

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