k-sun's Blog



2018年02月28日 12時20分53秒 | Weblog

ことわざにあるように :You know what they say.
物も言いようで角が立つ :People may be offended by the way you speak.
人間は感情の動物である :Humans are emotional creatures.
相手の感情に何も配慮しない :give no consideration to the other person's feelings
言葉遣いに注意する :be careful of one's language
その人を人として認めないことになる :This means you don't recognize the person as a human being.

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Today's Writing (327)

2018年02月26日 12時02分38秒 | Weblog

Justice does not always win simply because it's justice.
Evil can prevail over justice.
Therefore, justice has to definitely win.
Justice has responsibilty to win.

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2018年02月24日 12時39分26秒 | Weblog

Do you think drinking alcohol is good for health?
Why or why not?

Well, I think this is a difficult question.
Because it varies a great deal depending on how they drink,
how much they drink, and what type of alcoholic beverage they drink.
But personally, just as some experts say, I'd like to believe
moderate drinking is beneficial to our health.
For example, I've learned it can reduce risk of dementia, especially among elderly people.

vary a great deal depending on :~によって大いに異なる、極めて多種多様である

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2018年02月22日 12時03分21秒 | Weblog

夜型人間 : a night owl
深呼吸する :take a deep breath
深呼吸すること :deep breathing
照れくさくて面と向かって言えない :too shy to say ~ to 人 face to face
携帯電話の電磁波 :cell-phone electromagnetic waves
夕方の早い時間に :in the early evening

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Three Sentences (220)

2018年02月20日 13時01分46秒 | Weblog

Three example sentences of my own composition

        SVで残念だ :It's too bad (that) SV

① It's too bad my girlfriend isn't here right now.

② It's too bad she doesn't have a man who she would really like to marry.

③ It's too bad the traffic accident has caused heavy casualties.

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2018年02月18日 12時04分46秒 | Weblog

When you ask your spouse to spend some quality time with you and your children,
what would you say to him/her?

Honey, could you somehow spend a little more quality time with our children?
I know you are too tired when you get home from work and your schedule is too busy.
But I think even thirty minutes will be essential and rewarding for all of us.
Don't you think so?

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2018年02月16日 12時48分53秒 | Weblog

すすんで~する :volunteer to do
物事に感謝する :appreciate 物事
きっとこれでよかったんだと思う :I'm sure this is the best decision for you.
何とか~する :somehow 動詞
有意義な :rewarding
~するための2つの科学的な方法 :two science-based ways to do

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Today's Writing (326)

2018年02月14日 12時21分16秒 | Weblog

Creation is the result from fighting against self who tries to easily give in despite one's wish.
It is after the long succession of challenge, efforts and hard thinking to the utmost limit
that a new path is opened up.

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Three Sentences (219)

2018年02月12日 12時06分41秒 | Weblog

Three example sentences of my own composition

        どのくらい前に :(About) How long ago ~ ?

① About how long ago did he leave Japan?

② Could you tell me how long ago you launched your new business?

③ I didn't know how long ago my ex-husband had started cheating me?

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2018年02月10日 12時10分09秒 | Weblog

Your friend tells you that she met a perfect man on the Internet.
She is planning to meet this person but you have concerns about it.
What would you say to her?

Listen, I believe that a so-called perfect man does not exist anywhere.
If you feel he is perfect, maybe you are being manipulated by him.
I think you should not meet him, but if you insist,
please remember you cannot be too careful.

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