k-sun's Blog



2017年11月30日 12時20分37秒 | Weblog
Your friend asks you to be his/her roommate, but you would prefer to live alone.
Tell him/her this in a manner to avoid hurting his/her feelings.

I'm very flattered that you've asked me, but to be honest, 
I really want to live alone, because I can truly be myself without strain.
Probably, I need time to be alone.
But please feel free to come over anytime.
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2017年11月28日 12時04分14秒 | Weblog
専門家としての意見 :an expert opinion
SVするときまで :up until the time SV
同じ理由で、同様に :for the same reason
怖くて~できない :I'm too scared to do
無断で :without notice
これは単なる憶測ならいいんだけど :I hope this is just my imagination
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Today's Writing (318)

2017年11月26日 12時04分45秒 | Weblog
Peace does not mean that there are no wars in the world.
Peace is the situation where human beings taste the sweets of life, are filled with pleasure
and fully enjoy happiness.
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Three Sentences (211)

2017年11月24日 11時59分31秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        ~の犠牲になる、~の餌食となる :fall victim to 名詞

① My wife cheated on me but she must have fallen victim to transient temptation.

② The number of those who fell victim to crimes and accidents overseas has sharply increased.

③ Take every possible measure to avoid falling victim to "It's-me fraud".
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2017年11月22日 12時11分06秒 | Weblog
If you could actually read other people's thoughts,
would that be a benefit or a burden?

I'm sure that that would be a burden.
Because it must be extreme distress to know what I don't want to know by reading people's thoughts.
And if some people find out that I can read others' minds, I may be misused or killed.
Therefore, I must be under high stress from excessive effort to hide the fact.
After all, I have to tremendously suffer in any case, then, I'd like to make the most of
the ability in order to make the world terrorism-free and war-free.
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2017年11月20日 12時18分09秒 | Weblog
苦痛の種 :distress
人々の考え :people's thoughts
他人の心・気持ち :others' minds
どんな場合でも :in any case
学齢児童 :school-aged children
ここ数年、昨今、近年は :in recent years
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Today's Writing (317)

2017年11月18日 12時26分43秒 | Weblog
In the long run, those who establish their triumph are persons of sincerity.
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2017年11月16日 12時28分11秒 | Weblog
Talk about your favorite teacher.

My favorite teacher is Ms. Barbara, an English teacher.
I met her while I was studying in Los Angeles.
She had an extensive knowledge of the English language
and was always kind and very supportive to all students.
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2017年11月14日 12時15分16秒 | Weblog
好き嫌いは理屈ではない :Likes and dislikes cannot be explained by reason.
性同一性障害 :gender identity disorder
それゆえ :Because of this, SV
~に感銘を受ける :be impressed by the fact that SV
~を初めて目にすること :one's first sight of ~
田園風景 :country scene(s)
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Three Sentences (210)

2017年11月12日 13時00分07秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        ~について教えてください、説明してください :fill me in on ~

① I would like you to fill me in on your history of employment.

② Would you take time to fill me in on the new project?

③ Next time I see you, please fill in me on how your husband is doing.
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