k-sun's Blog


Three Sentences (121)

2015年03月31日 12時13分34秒 | Weblog
Three illustrative sentences of my own composition

        SVをお知らせします :Please be advised(informed) that SV

① Please be advised that my new e-mail adress is newmail@adress.jp.

② Please be informed that we will move our head-office to the following address.

③ Please be advised that we've sent your order with two free gifts to your attention today.
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2015年03月28日 12時26分34秒 | Weblog
Your friend invited you to his/her wedding reception.
Supposing that you don't have a formal wear, what would you say
when you ask someone if you can borrow a dress?

I know it's short notice, but I would appreciate it very much
if you could lend me your formal dress.
I was invited to my friend's wedding reception, but actually
I have nothing to wear.
So, it would be very helpful if you could.
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Today's Writing (227)

2015年03月25日 12時31分10秒 | Weblog
Custom is overcome by custom.
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Three Sentences (120)

2015年03月22日 12時10分31秒 | Weblog
Three illustrative sentences of my own composition

        名詞を動名詞するための~ :名詞ー動名詞

① The government attempted to avoid issuing deficit-covering bonds.

② There are many rice-growing regions in Japan.

③ The two countries reached an agreement on oil-sharing arrangements.
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2015年03月19日 12時36分16秒 | Weblog
Your spouse has never cleaned-up and keeps everything.
You see piles of things in the room as just trash and junk.
Talk to your spouse.

Hey, I have to say.
I cannot put up with these piles of your things.
Please select what you really need and throw away the rest.
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Today's Writing (226)

2015年03月16日 12時12分07秒 | Weblog
Everyone is an amateur at the beginning,
but will be able to reach the level of an expert in five years.
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Three Sentences (119)

2015年03月13日 11時43分54秒 | Weblog
Three illustrative sentences of my own composition

        SVだと仮定する :Suppose (that) SV

① Suppose you have to stay in an uninhabited island alone for one week.

② Suppose you are the richest person in the world, what would you do?

③ Suppose you have a first date, where will you take her?
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2015年03月10日 12時59分49秒 | Weblog
Do you like reading books?
If so, what kind of books do you like?
Do you have any favorite books?

I like reading books, especially classic novels such as Victor Hugo's
"Le Miserables", Dante's "Divine Comedy" and Goethe's "Faust".
I also like to read specialized books, for example, about abuse, English
and mathematics.
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Today's Writing (225)

2015年03月07日 12時17分44秒 | Weblog
Knowing people's invisible efforts behide things will enable you to encourage someone.
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Three Sentences (118)

2015年03月04日 12時26分19秒 | Weblog
Three illustrative sentences of my own composition

        ~したって別に構わないだろう : It doesn't hurt to do

① She will never say "Yes". It doesn't hurt to ask.(聞くだけ聞いてみよう)

② It doesn't hurt to place an order before he comes.

③ It doesn't hurt us to take a later train.
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