k-sun's Blog



2017年10月31日 11時57分47秒 | Weblog
いつでも遊びに来て下さい :Feel free to come over anytime.
誘ってくれてありがとう :I'm very flattered that you've asked me.
~する時間が必要だ :I need time to do
肥満 :obesity
~について幅広い知識がある :have an extensive knowledge of ~
泊りがけで :overnight
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Today's Writing (315)

2017年10月29日 12時32分01秒 | Weblog
A dream job is not always an ideal job.
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2017年10月27日 12時02分26秒 | Weblog
Suppose your daughter is losing things so often
and most recently she lost an expensive library book.
Talk to her about responsibility.

Listen, the book you have lost is not yours.
You borrowed it from the library.
It's one of public goods and you have to take responsibility.
I think you have to replace the book or pay for the book.
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2017年10月25日 12時27分32秒 | Weblog
仕事中 :during working hours
公共財 :public goods
~という習慣をやめる :give up one's habit of ~
炭酸飲料 :carbonated drinks
何らかの理由で、どうしたことか :for some reason
ほとんどの間 :most of the time
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Three Sentences (208)

2017年10月23日 12時29分16秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        (人が便宜など)を与えられる :S(人)be afforded 便宜など

① I am afforded a right to supervise all stuff members in the sales department.

② He was afforded the privilege of free admission to the amusement park.

③ The patient should be afforded the necessary protection and assistance by the government.
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2017年10月21日 12時14分32秒 | Weblog
When you were a child, was there any special place to escape from those around you?
Do you have such a place now?

Well, I didn't have any special places to do so up until the time I was in high school.
But during college, I used to go to a cafe and study there
in order to forget about everything around me by focusing on something.
And now I very often go to one of MacDonald's restaurants for the same reason.
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2017年10月19日 12時29分47秒 | Weblog
問題意識を高める :raise awareness of issues
犯罪率 :the crime rate
物の見方を深める :deepen one's perspective
蛇口をねじる :turn on a faucet
いつが都合いいですか :When would it be convenient for you?
Sは最も平和的な国のトップテンの中に入っている :
          S is ranked as one of the top ten most peaceful nations
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Today's Writing (314)

2017年10月16日 12時29分26秒 | Weblog
Quick reaction makes us feel good.
The topnotch are all speedy persons.
They have a wise view of life.
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Three Sentences (207)

2017年10月14日 12時32分51秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        人の都合がよい時に :at one's convenience

① I would really like to vist your home at your convenience.

② Could it possible for you to reissue the invoice at your earliest convenience?

③ I will call you back at my earliest possible convenience.
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2017年10月12日 12時17分48秒 | Weblog
What is your definition of "love"?
Have you ever been in love?

I think love is the strong desire to make someone happy
and the indomitable determination to do anything to do so.
In that sense, fortunately or unfortunately,
I have never met a woman that I want to be in love with.
Because of this, I can devote all my attention to my own life.
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