k-sun's Blog


Three Sentences (319)

2021年01月31日 10時29分52秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        ~のような人[物] :the likes of ~

① I have been wanting to befriend the likes of you.

② She really wanted to raise the likes of a fox and a beaver.

③ The pension system exists for the likes of them.
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2021年01月28日 10時26分05秒 | Weblog
Your friends are throwing you a leaving party.
Say something to bid them goodby at the end of the party.

Thank you very much for this farewell party.
It's been a pleasure working with you these past few years,
but I am leaving here today.
I will miss you, but thanks to everyone here, I had a really
great time and I can take fond memories.
And I look forward to hearing of your future successes.
Please stay safe and healthy.
Thank you.
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2021年01月25日 09時47分17秒 | Weblog
現在のところ :at the moment
名詞のような~ :名詞ーlike ~
名詞に関連した~ :名詞ーrelated ~
~しそうである、~する可能性が高い :be likely to do
2ヵ月後には :in two months ahead, two months from now
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Today's Writing (426)

2021年01月22日 10時28分59秒 | Weblog
If you tend to make an attempt to save your own neck and
if you tend to want to look superior, after all, you will
lead yourself to a dead end.
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Three Sentences (318)

2021年01月19日 10時13分57秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        ~が利用不可能な :without access to 名詞

① Millions of people will be without access to clean drinking water in 10 years.

② The quake-hit region had to be without access to power for a week.

③ Can you live without access to your smartphone?
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2021年01月16日 10時22分48秒 | Weblog
~することになっている :will be --ing
~に従う :keep to 名詞
差し支えなければ :If you don't mind, SV
もしお望みなら、よろしければ :if you prefer
よろこんで~させていただきます :I would be happy to do
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Today's Writing (425)

2021年01月13日 10時59分42秒 | Weblog
It is on the soil of indomitable spirit where you will never
been overwhelmed by difficulties or ordeals that you can have
your own flowers bloom in profusion.
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2021年01月10日 10時26分18秒 | Weblog
What is something you hate but have to do every day?

I feel it's really troublesome to wash the dishes after a meal.
I don't mind cooking, but actually, I don't feel like doing the washing-up.
Honestly, I would rather cover a dish with plastic wrap and put rice on it.
I have only to throw away the wrap after eating and I don't have to wash the dish.
But actually, I'm not sure this is economical.
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2021年01月07日 10時43分39秒 | Weblog
言葉で言い尽くせない : be beyond description
ひょっとして~なのだろうか? :Could it be that SV?
~する所要時間 :the time required to do
交通費 :travel allowance
~できますか?(Can you Can Iより丁寧):Would it be possible to do?
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Three Sentences (317)

2021年01月04日 10時57分39秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        同じ考えを持った、うまの合う~ :like-minded ~

① I had many like-minded friends in my college days.

② Those like-minded musicians formed a band a decade ago.

③ She got married to a like-minded individual.
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