k-sun's Blog



2017年06月30日 12時24分55秒 | Weblog
Would you like to travel in space?
Tell me why or why not.

Yes, I'd love to.
I remember that when I was an elementary schoolboy, I took a look at the ring of Saturn
through my friend's astronomical telescope and I got really excited.
Since then, space has been mysterious and fascinating to me.
If possible, I'd like to look at the earth from outer space at least once before I die.
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2017年06月28日 12時13分00秒 | Weblog
確かSVだと記憶しているが :I understood that SV
does するタイプの人 :the type of person who does
眠りに落ちる :drop off to sleep
真夜中に :in the middle of the night
ええっと :let's see....
中年の男 :a middle-aged man
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Three Sentences (197)

2017年06月26日 12時01分57秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        初期の~段階で :at an early 名詞

① The newborn panda was at an early stage of development.

② You have to hand in your report at an early date.

③ The gold medalist began swimming at an early age.
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2017年06月24日 12時07分37秒 | Weblog
Would you explain what "White Day" is in Japan?

White Day is March 14th, exactly one month after Valentine's Day.
If boys get any chocolate or gift from girls on Valentine's Day, the boys
are expected to return the favor on White Day by giving gifts
such as cookies, white chocolate, flowers, candies and marshmallows.

return the favor :恩返しをする、恩に報いる
marshmallow :マシュマロ【発音】マーシュメロウ(マにアクセント)
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2017年06月22日 12時12分18秒 | Weblog
Suppose your sister is pregnant, but she hasn't told her boyfriend.
What would you advise her to do?

Hey, listen.
I don't understand why you haven't told him you are pregnant.
Is your boyfriend unreliable?
Anyway, the first thing you have to do is tell him as soon as possible.
Everything else starts after that.
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2017年06月20日 12時03分18秒 | Weblog
出産 :無冠詞 child-bearing
一人前の分量 :the portion size
金切り声をあげながら歓声をあげながら :with the sound of high-pitched screaming
私は~を申し込むことを検討中だ :I'm considering applying for ~
心が安らぐ :feel at peace
~するための手続きについて :on the procedures for -ing

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Today's Writing (303)

2017年06月18日 11時54分37秒 | Weblog

Kyrgyz major poet, Balasagun, appeals, "As long as you live, all hopes exist together with you.
If you gain wisdom, you can achieve every aim."
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Three Sentences (196)

2017年06月16日 12時11分19秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        名詞ごとに :for each 名詞

① For each visitor from other prefectures who comes to my home town, I have to say the drivers are very dangerous.

② For each degree rise in temperature, sales of popsicles will increase by around 10 percent.

③ For each country in the United Nations, global warming countermeasures should be taken.
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2017年06月14日 20時04分42秒 | Weblog
心が躍る :My heart leaps up.
大丈夫だよ。きっとうまくいくよ。 :I'm sure everything will be all right.
不安になる、心配になる :feel nervous about ~
最低限の、最小限の :a minimum amount of ~
集中力 :the power of concentration
その間じゅうずっとSV :All the while, SV
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Today's Writing (302)

2017年06月12日 12時06分55秒 | Weblog
There have been no trees that have grown without being weathered.
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