k-sun's Blog


Three Sentences (54)

2013年11月28日 17時54分39秒 | Weblog
Three illustrative sentences of my own composition

        注文状況 :order status

① Can I reconfirm my order status through the Internet?

② Please click on "YES" on this website to check your order status.

③ Please right-click on the"NEXT" icon to go to the page of "Order Status".
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Today's Writing (159)

2013年11月27日 16時41分51秒 | Weblog
One of the greatest educators in Japan, Mr. Takeji Hayashi, who is loved and
respected by children's literature author, Mr. Kenjiro Haitani, says,
"The only one proof of having learned something is to change."
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Three Sentences (53)

2013年11月23日 19時39分58秒 | Weblog
Three illustrative sentences of my own composition

        See to it that SV :注意して~する、~するよう取り計らう

① See to it that you lock the door before you go to bed.

② Please see to it that you let the officer know when you leave here.

③ See to it that you have the waitress lead the actor to a seat.
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Today's Writing (158)

2013年11月22日 16時28分41秒 | Weblog
The central figure of the independence of the Philippines,
Mr. Jose Rizal says in his own novel,
"In the future, all human beings become world citizens."
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Three Sentences (52)

2013年11月18日 14時24分34秒 | Weblog
Three illustrative sentences of my own composition

        暗証番号 :PIN (personal identification number)

① Never tell anybody your four-digit PIN.

② You are required to change your six-digit PIN once or more a month.

③ It is all your fault that you wrote down your eight-digit PIN on a business card.
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Today's Writing (157)

2013年11月16日 13時48分41秒 | Weblog
The first step of education is NOT to impose strain on students
BUT to extricate them from strain.
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Three Sentences (51)

2013年11月13日 13時36分02秒 | Weblog
Three illustrative sentences of my own composition

        お手数ですが~していただけますか?:Could I trouble you to do?

① Could I trouble you to transfer 30,000 yen to my bank account.

② Could I trouble you to confirm the account holder's name
of the company's postal savings account?

③ Could I trouble you to let me know when he comes back?
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Today's Writing (156)

2013年11月11日 14時04分19秒 | Weblog
The first step for education is to open the doors of children's hearts.
If the door is closed, you will never plant a seedling in a paddy field
of his/her heart.
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Three Sentences (50)

2013年11月08日 17時45分04秒 | Weblog
Three illustrative sentences of my own composition

        ~ということでよろしいですね :Am I correct in understanding that SV

① Am I correct in understanding that you will take responsibility on the matter?

② Am I correct in understanding that Tom will take necessary action accordingly?

③ Am I correct in understanding that my baggage will be delivered on Monday?
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Today's Writing (155)

2013年11月06日 14時37分36秒 | Weblog
The oldest active pianist, Ms. Mayako Muroi, is now 92 years old.
She holds her piano recitals five or six times per year and she
has made a habit of practicing the piano about eight hours a day
just before her recitals.

Asked why she continues playing, she answered,
"Because still now, in a score, I can discover something new
which makes me feel tingling.
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