k-sun's Blog


Three Sentences (262)

2019年04月30日 12時27分17秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        a 形容詞 imperative :形容詞的に絶対必要なもの

① Financial reform is a political imperative in his government.

② Meeting the emissions reduction targets is a environmental imperative.

③ Free-trade principle is an economic imperative.
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2019年04月28日 12時28分16秒 | Weblog
Are you good at making friends?

I don't think I am good at making friends.
I have much work to do now and actually I am pressed for time.
Besides, now I am 58 years old and honestly, as I get older,
I feel I'm getting more and more introvert and
I sometimes feel that it's kind of tiring to spend time with others.
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2019年04月26日 11時53分39秒 | Weblog
他の可能性を検討中だす :I'm exploring other opportunities
それはまさに私がしたいと思っていたことだ :It is exactly what I want to do.
私は自発的に始めて終えることができる :I am a self-starter and finisher.
そしてそれ以降は :and from then on
担当分野 :a functional area
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Today's Writing (369)

2019年04月24日 12時13分39秒 | Weblog
"If you have any problem, please feel free to rely on me."
This attitude does not work for those who are really in trouble.
You have to be the first to take action.
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2019年04月22日 11時37分07秒 | Weblog
Your friend is always in need of money and is asking to borrow some money from you.
This is the third time in this week.
What would you say to him/her?

Hey, this is the third time in this week.
Why are you always short of money?
Are you keeping track of your spending?
I think you should make a budget and overhaul your finances.
If you don't, you'll never overcome your financial problems.
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2019年04月20日 11時57分07秒 | Weblog
起きている時間 :waking hours
Sが生活の核になる :S makes up the core of one's life
多くの点で :in many ways
給料 :a paycheck
Sが人生に何らかの意義をもたらす :S brings some meaning to one's life
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Three Sentences (261)

2019年04月18日 12時16分40秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        AとBの2対3の割合 :a two-to-three ratio between A and B

① Please remember to use a one-to-one ratio between white rice and water.

② Mix a two-to-three ratio between sugar and soy sauce.

③ Put a one-to-ten ratio between concentrated tomato and water into the pot.
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2019年04月16日 11時12分39秒 | Weblog
Your boss has a romantic interest in you and he/she often asks you for a date.
Have a talk with your friend about this.

Hi, I've got to talk to you.
Actually, my boss seems to have feelings for me.
She often asks me out to dinner, for a drink and to see a movie.
I respect her as my boss, but I cannot see her as a potential girlfriend.
If you were me, what would you do?
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2019年04月14日 11時58分09秒 | Weblog
人に給与を支払う :compensate 人
公の場で :in an open forum
~に慣れる :familiarize onesefl with ~
物事の行なわれ方、やり方 :the way things are done
離職率 :turnover
影響をもたらす :make a difference
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Today's Writing (368)

2019年04月12日 12時06分27秒 | Weblog
Be in a cheerful mood, no matter waht.
Such a person is the one who can transform hopelessness into hope and can be courageous.
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