k-sun's Blog



2017年04月29日 12時09分45秒 | Weblog
自叙伝的小説 :one's autobiographical novel
体にぴったり合った名詞 :perfect-fittine 名詞
費用対効果が良い :cost-effective
時間と労力を大幅に節約できる :can save a lot of time and energy
時間を~に使う :spend 時間 on ~
英語の練習、英語の勉強 :practice of English
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2017年04月27日 12時39分53秒 | Weblog
When you don't like your friend's girlfriend, what would you say to your friend?

Hey, I hesitate to say this, but, actually, I don't like your girlfriend.
She gets emotional easily by small things.
And she sometimes takes a haughty attitude.
I'm afraid you will have trouble with her some day.
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Three Sentences (191)

2017年04月25日 12時01分57秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        ~とうまくやる、なじむ、合う :fit in with ~

① He couldn't fit in with his teammates in those days.

② How on earth can this meeting fit in with my schedule?

③ The actress fits in with the company's image.
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2017年04月23日 12時23分50秒 | Weblog
Your daughter doesn't want to go to school because she is bullied at school.
What would you say to her?

If you fear for your safety, I think you don't have to go to school.
But I want you to tell me what's happened to you and who's bullying you.
And how did that make you feel?
I'll make an appointment with your teacher in charge.
If the situation is urgent, I will alert the police.
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2017年04月21日 12時37分13秒 | Weblog
多機能性 :multi-functionality
他人への過度な依存をするようになる :become over-reliant on others
人に物を供給する :provide 人 with 物
一流の名詞 :a first-class 名詞
大量のお金 :a large amount of money
(細長い)ロールパン :a bread roll
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Today's Writing (297)

2017年04月19日 11時51分11秒 | Weblog
True dreams are what is created or drawn as an extension
of happiness, justice, peace and for the sake of the people.
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Three Sentences (190)

2017年04月17日 11時50分21秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        ~という意見である :be of the opinion that SV

① Many parents are of the opinion that children should be punished when they are behaving badly.

② His mother was of the opinion that boys in Japan should go on to college.

③ Are you of the opinion that Britain should leave the Europiean Union?
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2017年04月15日 12時12分13秒 | Weblog
~してもいいのかなと思っている :I'm wondering if it's OK to do
~する方を好む :I would prefer to do
自分のペースで :at my own pace
集団で :in a group
~に気をそらされる :be distracted by ~
自律心 :a spirit of self-reliance
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Today's Writing (296)

2017年04月13日 12時47分55秒 | Weblog
Life comes with hardships to a greater or lesser extent.
No one knows what kind of ordeals are ahead.
There should be unforeseen tribulations before us.
You have to develop a spine and hold perseverance.
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2017年04月11日 12時36分16秒 | Weblog
Do you like watching TV?
Why or why not?

Yes, I like watching TV.
I make it a rule to record an NHK news program to watch it later in the day.
I also record some interesting TV variety shows, dramas and movies.
I can watch them at a convenient time of day and the best thing is
that I can repeatedly watch my favorite movies and entertainers completely free of charge.
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