k-sun's Blog


Today's Writing (415)

2020年08月30日 11時16分33秒 | Weblog
What are callous people like?
I think that they believe that it is OK if they are not drawing complaint.
Which means they are always imposing maximum tolerance, admissibility and
reluctant concession on people close to them.
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2020年08月27日 11時04分36秒 | Weblog
What were you scared of when you were a little child?

I was so scared of my father.
Actually, my father is stubborn and has never listened to others.
He used to easily get violent and angry against me when I was a child.
I well remember that I was often beaten and kicked by him.
One day he stopped beating me because I grew taller than he.
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2020年08月24日 10時38分17秒 | Weblog
前もって~していました :have gone ahead and 過去形
本日のコーヒー(日替わりのコーヒー) :coffee of the day
動揺する、困る :upset
二泊三日で :for 2 nights and 3 days
ここ数日間 :these past few days
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Three Sentences (307)

2020年08月21日 11時30分38秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

最悪の場合には :in the worst case

① Over 1,000 people will be killed in the possible earthquake in the worst case.

② In the worst case scenario, our company will fall into the red.

③ In the worst case I know of, the person was fired.
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2020年08月18日 10時49分37秒 | Weblog
You're worried about your final exams and the stress makes you feel ill.
Talk to your parent about your problems.

Listen, I'm so scared of my final exams, especially the math test
because I didn't do so well on the last one.
I just want to do my best but I can't
because I feel sick and sometimes break into a cold sweat.
Can you tell me how to reduce my test anxiety?
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2020年08月15日 10時35分26秒 | Weblog
~したくなる :be tempted to do
遠慮なく~する、気楽に~する :feel free to do
_年に~した時のことを思い起こす :think back to the time in __ when
~ということはままある、~の時もある :There are times when SV
~を秘密にしておく :keep 名詞 to oneself
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Today's Writing (414)

2020年08月12日 11時03分26秒 | Weblog
A person of intelligence says, "Some of famous people are great, but
the obscure who do a great thing are much greater."
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Three Sentences (306)

2020年08月09日 10時21分35秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        ~の時に :in a time of ~

① He always extended support to me in a time of adversity.

② What should we do first in a time of disaster?

③ We are undeniably in a time of scientific materialism and globalization.
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2020年08月06日 11時40分47秒 | Weblog
~がオススメだね :~ is the better option
以下は~についての説明である :What follows is an explanation of ~
可能ならいつでも :whenever possible
~する気が向く :be in the mood to do
~する気が向かない :be in no mood to do
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Today's Writing (413)

2020年08月03日 11時14分38秒 | Weblog
Four-frame comic strip artist Machiko Hasegawa says,
"(Like Sazae san) If a woman is always warm and sincere,
the very person is the driving force for making the world a better place,
no matter how socially unimpressive she is."
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