k-sun's Blog



2018年06月30日 12時30分03秒 | Weblog

What was the worst or most disappointing moment in your life?

The worst moment in my life is the time when I saw my best friend
lying in the coffin and touched his cold face.
He died of small intestine cancer only two months after he turned 40 years old.
The last touch has been seared into my memory.

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2018年06月28日 12時32分39秒 | Weblog

過食症 :bulimia
怒りを抑える :control one's temper
状況に取り組む :address the situation
~についてネットで検索する :search the Internet for information about ~
痛い目にあって :the hard way (このままで副詞として使える)
有り金すべて :all the money I have

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Today's Writing (339)

2018年06月26日 15時58分17秒 | Weblog

Numerous evils cannot prevail over a single good.

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2018年06月24日 13時16分40秒 | Weblog

Suppose you're having trouble sleeping.
Try asking your doctor for advice to get a good sleep at night.

Actually, I haven't been able to sleep at night lately.
Especially I have difficulty falling asleep.
Would you please advise me on how to sleep better?

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2018年06月22日 12時01分17秒 | Weblog

子供のころ :in my childhood
~との交流を通して :through interactions with ~
Sは~に信頼されている :S is trusted by ~
この意味において :in this sense
中国への返還前の香港 :Hong Kong before its return to China
焦らない、無理しない :take things easy

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Three Sentences (232)

2018年06月20日 12時44分25秒 | Weblog

Three example sentences of my own composition

        〔主義・信念・理想・約束など〕に従う :act up to 名詞

① You always have to act up to the film director's instructions.

② I respect him because he never fails to act up to his reputation.

③ The country has never acted up to a promise.

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2018年06月18日 13時20分44秒 | Weblog

When your friend won't tell you why he/she is mad at you,
What would you say to comfort him/her?

Hey, please just tell me why you are upset with me.
Was I unkind to you?
I really want to resolve the situation, so tell me what I can do.
I'll do anything, but if it's what I cannot do,
let's find an agreeable middle ground.

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2018年06月16日 12時29分58秒 | Weblog

こちらが私の名刺です :Here is my business card.
死産 :stillbirth
~を置き忘れる :misplace ~
勝手に :without permission
人にとってとても大きな意味を持つ :mean so much to 人
私たちは同い年だ :We are the same age.

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Today's Writing (338)

2018年06月14日 12時25分48秒 | Weblog

Nobel laureate in physics, Mr. Einstein talked about his belief,
"If we are determined to stand on the side of "peace" with our whole heart,
we should acquire peace as a matter of course."
The power to eliminate war is the power of human's will.

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Three Sentences (231)

2018年06月12日 12時02分32秒 | Weblog

Three example sentences of my own composition

        Sの原因は~だ :S is the result of ~

① The failure was the result of her rude behavior.

② The fault was the result of work done to smooth the surface of the metal.

③ The sales decline was the result of the yen's sharp appreciation.

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