k-sun's Blog



2017年12月30日 12時21分34秒 | Weblog
~を犠牲にして、~という代償を払って :at the cost of ~
そこまで歩いて往復する :walk to and from there
言い換えると :In other words, SV
熱がある :have a fever
~のお返しに、見返りに :in return for ~
業者テスト :a mass-marketed test
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Today's Writing (321)

2017年12月28日 12時14分57秒 | Weblog
There should be trying times when you are forced to wade into a storm of mortification,
but never be defeated.
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2017年12月26日 11時56分01秒 | Weblog
The doctor has told your friend to stay in bed for a few days.
But he/she doesn't follow the doctor's advice.
What do you say to the friend?

Hey, listen.
You have to follow your doctor's advice and stay in bed at least for a few days.
I don't understand why you ignore the doctor's order.
Even if you have new symptoms, I don't care, OK?
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2017年12月24日 11時57分44秒 | Weblog
自然に親しむ :become close to nature
Sそれ自体が~だ :S is itself ~
近場を歩く :walk around my neighborhood
季節の移り変わり :the changing of seasons
~の費用で :at a cost of ~
田園風景 :scenery of rice fields
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Three Sentences (214)

2017年12月22日 12時02分26秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        ~に驚くべき効果がある :do wonders for 名詞

① Do you know an over-the-counter medicine which does wonders for a sore throat?

② Her singing voice used to do wonders for my mind.

③ His policy did wonders for the economic revitalization of the small town.
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2017年12月20日 12時18分35秒 | Weblog
When you were a student, what did you do after school?

When I was a junior high school student, I was a member of the school tennis club.
I practiced playing tennis every day including Saturdays and Sundays.
Training was very hard but I think that this is why I was able to advance
to the Aichi prefectural tournament.
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2017年12月18日 12時33分01秒 | Weblog
わくわくドキドキ :thrills and spills
失恋 :heartbreak
(過去の過去から過去へ)あとで :later
実写版~ :a live-action version of ~
~など :and others
もし選択の機会が与えられたらBではなくAを選ぶ :would prefer A to B
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Today's Writing (320)

2017年12月16日 12時14分50秒 | Weblog
People do not get old simply because they put on years.
Their soul gets lifeless at the moment when they abandon hope and ideal.
One of the literary legends, Victor Hugo, says, "I'm always thinking about advance."
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Three Sentences (213)

2017年12月14日 12時01分58秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        ~しないことに決める :decide against 名詞

① If you have to lose weight, I think you should decide against dessert.

② The lawmaker is said to have decided against making a bid for the prime ministership.

③ I decided against smoking a few years ago for health reasons.
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2017年12月12日 12時02分06秒 | Weblog
What was your favorite animated TV series when you were a child?

My favorite animated TV series was "Star of the Giants" or "Kyojin no Hoshi" in Japanese.
This is a story of a young baseball pitcher, Hyuuma Hoshi, who dreams of becoming
a top star in the Japanese professional baseball.
I was deeply moved by his indomitable perseverance to face adversities.

indomitable perseverance :不撓不屈の根気
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