k-sun's Blog


Three Sentences (256)

2019年02月28日 11時54分09秒 | Weblog

Three example sentences of my own composition

        人が忘れずに~するよう声を掛ける :remind 人 to do

① Please remind me to send a birthday card to her.

② Be sure to remind him to take his medicine.

③ Let's remind one another not to be lulled into thinking "I'll be just fine."

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2019年02月26日 11時36分30秒 | Weblog

Which countries do you think are the friendliest and the unfriendliest in the world?

Well, I have been to former Soviet Union, Hong Kong before its return to China and the United States.
Of the three countries, I think the US is the friendliest.
Because I felt they are used to differences such as races, languages, religions, cultures and many others.
By contrast, I think Japanese people are not used to such differences and they extremely dislike
being talked to by strangers.
In this sense, Japan is the unfriendliest, I think.

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2019年02月24日 12時27分15秒 | Weblog

君は職場でなくてはならない人だ :Your are indispensable at work.
元気で頑張ってね :I really wish you the best of luck.
ノンアルコールビールで乾杯する :make a toast with alcohol-free beer
私の母方の祖父 :my grandfather on the mother's side
私の母方の祖父 :my maternal(父方は paternal) grandfather
ほとんど話したことがない :have seldom or even never had a conversation

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Today's Writing (363)

2019年02月22日 12時19分00秒 | Weblog

How strong those who have found meanings in hardships are!

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2019年02月20日 11時50分02秒 | Weblog

What do you like to eat for breakfast?

Well, honestly, I have not eaten the first meal of the day in the morning for many years,
but if I eat breakfast, I'd like miso soup, first.
It's a kind of fermented food and is easy on my stomach especially soon after getting up.
And actually, miso soup is one of my favorite comfort foods.

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2019年02月18日 11時51分44秒 | Weblog

ご無沙汰しています :I'm sorry I haven't been in touch for so long.
急に会いたくなって :I've started wanting to see you.
飲みに行かない? :Why don't we go for a drink?
金のムダ :a waste of money
新築祝い :housewarming
彼はいつか君をクビにしたことを後悔するよ :He'll regret losing you some day.

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Three Sentences (255)

2019年02月16日 12時00分14秒 | Weblog

Three example sentences of my own composition

        人を名詞でもてなす、与える(悪い意味可) :treat 人 to 名詞

① I have never been treated to such a painful experience.

② Goverment officials treated the president to a red carpet welcome.

③ I'll treat you to a glass of beer as a token of my appreciation.

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2019年02月14日 11時35分33秒 | Weblog

Do you think it is good manners to hug or kiss another person in greeting?

Well, if kissing and hugging in greeting are common practice in their country,
probably I shouldn't say anything about that.
But if they do so in Japan, I don't feel comfortable.
You know what they say.
When in Rome.

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2019年02月12日 11時54分36秒 | Weblog

悪意のない冗談 :a practical joke
一緒に働けて嬉しかった :It's been a plesure working with you.
何か起こらないうちに :before you make trouble, SV
今のペースで :at the current rate
~に向いている :be cut out for ~
将来の成功を期待している :I look forward to hearing of your future success.

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Today's Writing (362)

2019年02月10日 12時02分33秒 | Weblog

Hope is the flag of invincible spirit.
Life is a battle.
The important thing is how to remain viable, strong and cheerful year after year.

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