k-sun's Blog



2017年09月30日 12時06分19秒 | Weblog
You suspect that your partner may be cheating on you.
Talk to your friend about it.

Hey, I have to tell you something in confidence.
I suspect my wife is cheating on me.
I hope this is just my imagination,
but she went to a hot spring resort overnight without notice.
If you were me, what would you do?
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2017年09月28日 12時07分39秒 | Weblog
~で世界的に名声が高い :S is world-renowned for ~
本物 :the real things (of ~)
高校1年生 :a tenth grader
私たちはお互いに補い合っている :We complement each other.
彼が私の背中を押した :He gave me the push.
早まって何かをしてしまう :rush for a conclusion
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Today's Writing (312)

2017年09月26日 12時40分10秒 | Weblog
As long as you don't lose sight of your goals in life, there will be no wasted days.
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Three Sentences (206)

2017年09月24日 11時57分11秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        それにしても、そうだとしても :be that as it may

① Be that as it may, there are so many aggressive drivers in Nagoya.

② Be that as it may, I'm sure moderate drinking is beneficial to our health.

③ Be that as it may, the baseball team still has a chance of winning the pennant.
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2017年09月22日 12時03分38秒 | Weblog
How would you describe your father's character?

Well, my father is stubborn and has never listened to others.
He used to easily get violent and angry against me when I was a child.
I well remember that I was often beaten and kicked by him.
One day he stopped beating me because I grew taller than he.
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2017年09月20日 12時07分01秒 | Weblog
地球の外から :from outer space
喜んで~する :I am ready for ~
酔っ払い運転をする :drive drunk
酔っ払い運転 :drunk driving
現場で行われる飲酒検査 :a field sobriety test
地上で、現存の、現存して :in existence on earth
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Today's Writing (311)

2017年09月18日 12時11分55秒 | Weblog
Many people only give an eye to what they can see.
But we should turn our attention to where the root is and should do our best to make it a good one.
Because roots are growing under the ground even when there are no signs of starting to sprout.
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2017年09月16日 12時39分39秒 | Weblog
Suppose you bought a TV but your roommate watches it most of the time.
When the TV has stopped working for some reason, what would you say
to make him/her pay for the repair?

Hey, listen.
I have to say you should pay for the repair
because you have watched it most of the time.
Actually, I also watched it just a little,
so I want you to pay 80% of the total repair cost.
What do you think about that?
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2017年09月14日 11時51分10秒 | Weblog
全てはそれからだ :Everything else starts after that.
恩返しをする :return the favor
マシュマロ :marshmallow
友達の望遠鏡で :through my friend's astronomical telescope
せめて一度だけでも :at least once (before I die)
部屋代と食事代 :room and board
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Three Sentences (205)

2017年09月12日 12時23分57秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        最大限の~で :to the fullest ~

① I want to impose punishment againt the callous people to the fullest legal extent.

② Live life to the fullest potential.

③ The pianist was appreciated to the fullest degree at the contest.
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