k-sun's Blog



2016年11月30日 11時52分04秒 | Weblog
In another life, would you like to be a man or a woman?(in another life:生まれ変わったら)

Well, I would like to be a man again in my next life.
Because I'd like to pursue my dreams which I may not be able to achieve in the present life.
To do so, I think it's more convenient to be a man in terms of child-bearing.
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2016年11月28日 12時11分42秒 | Weblog
What is your strength?

Well, I think I have the power of concentration.
For example, even when I am in a noisy environment such as a place
where so many children are playing with the sound of high-pitched screaming,
I can study without any embarrassment for at least two hours.
All the while, the disturbing noise is not bothering me or can hardly be heard.
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Three Sentences (177)

2016年11月26日 12時12分17秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        ~で我を忘れる :be beside oneself with ~

① She was about to be beside herself with envy.

② The couple will be beside themselves with worry about their baby.

③ The student was beside himself with delight after getting a perfect score on the test.
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2016年11月24日 11時53分57秒 | Weblog
コタツなどの上に置く平板 :a table-top
~について最近の様子を教えて :Will you update me on ~?
クラスで何があったの? :What went on in class?
コストを削減する :save costs
複数回答可 :multiple answers allowed
ほぼ毎日 :most days
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2016年11月22日 12時29分51秒 | Weblog
Do you think it is healthy to eat three meals a day?
Why or why not?

Well, actually I usually eat two meals a day and occasionally three meals a day.
Even so I don't think I'm in ill health.
But probably it's true that breakfast is important for good health.
Because it's the first meal of the day and we need to take in a minimum amount of energy
to start either brain work or physical work.
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Today's Writing (283)

2016年11月20日 12時20分37秒 | Weblog
Continuation of facing the reality and tenaciously walking along the path to the ideal ----
That's politics.
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2016年11月18日 12時09分35秒 | Weblog
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Boys and girls should attend separate schools.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

I disagree with the statement for two reasons.
Firstly, boys and girls should attend the same schools to cultivate the ability to adapt to society,
where men and women always exist and work together.
It's beneficial to learn how to understand, respect and become supportive to each other through formal school education.
Secondly, the presence of the opposite sex helps to maintain a certain level of morals at school.
For example, while taking classes when it's hot, coeducational school boys do not strip to the waist.
Or coeducational school girls do not flip up their own skirts to fan between their legs.
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2016年11月16日 12時28分17秒 | Weblog
Your friend is getting married in a few days and he is very nervous.
What would you say to calm him down?

See, I think it's natural to feel nervous about a married life.
But, actually there is no use worrying too much.
Rather, you'd better look forward to your newly-married days.
I'm sure everything will be all right.
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2016年11月14日 12時18分14秒 | Weblog
Do you feel happy that spring is coming soon?
Tell me why or why not.

Yes, I love spring.
When I feel the beginning of spring, my heart leaps up.
Because I don't have to shiver from winter cold any more.
And the best thing is that I can enjoy cherry blossoms to my heart's content.
Especially, the night viewing of illuminated cherry blossoms
along the Yamazaki River in Nagoya is really one of my happiest things.
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Three Sentences (176)

2016年11月12日 12時27分39秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        私は構わない :be all right by me

① Let's go to the party. It's all right by me.

② If starting at noon is all right by you, we will meet at the cafe tomorrow.

③ Who will come to help her move tomorrow? I think it will be all right by him.
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