k-sun's Blog



2021年09月29日 08時57分32秒 | Weblog
What kind of jobs are you best suited for?

Well, I think I am suited for teaching.
When I was in my 20s, I took a career aptitude test.
It was a kind of psychological test.
The results showed I was cut out for a teacher or a politician.
Actually, I was very interested in teaching.
I spent much time to try various ways to teach English while I was working at a few cram schools in Tokyo.
And I started my own English-language classroom in Nagoya 17 years ago.
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2021年09月26日 10時32分18秒 | Weblog
名詞の場合を除いて :except in 名詞
つまずく、踏み外す、転ぶ :trip over
抽象名詞したことに :to one's 抽象名詞
(人)の~に期待する :look to someone for ~
~するくらいなら死んだ方がましだ :wouldn't be caught dead (doing または 前置詞+名詞)
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Today's Writing (444)

2021年09月23日 10時20分00秒 | Weblog
Never give up, take action, learn and talk, and learn again.
As a result of your tenacious efforts like "Take that, take that",
one day, the field of vision toward victory will open at a burst.
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Three Sentences (336)

2021年09月20日 09時59分42秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        SVという気持ちだ :feel like SV

① I feel like something good is waiting for me.

② Don't you feel like you forgot something today?

③ I really feel like I could give up.
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2021年09月17日 10時16分15秒 | Weblog
SVすることが好きだ、SVという点が好きだ :I like the fact that SV
振る舞う、行動する :conduct oneself
そういえば、そう言われてみると :now that you mention it
お見舞いの~ :a get-well(-soon) 名詞
何かSVのことはありますか :Is there anything SV?
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Today's Writing (443)

2021年09月14日 09時38分21秒 | Weblog
Continue to be patient and make efforts until you achieve your goal.
If you continue to knock, the door to victory will open without fail.
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2021年09月11日 10時45分29秒 | Weblog
What is your family tradition? (family tradition :家族の習慣やしきたり)

Well, actually, my family doesn't have any family traditions.
I have no memories of taking a family trip and I have never been given a Christmas present.
If I remember right, when I turned six years old, I was given a birthday present only once.
But it was not a tradition but a whim.
Well, just maybe, my family tradition is that we have no traditions.

whim :気まぐれ
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2021年09月08日 09時08分53秒 | Weblog

すべては~次第だ :Everything depends on ~
Sの原因は~だ :S is the result of ~
〔主義・信念・理想・約束など〕に従う :act up to 名詞
~し続ける名詞 :ever-doing 名詞
気持ち良く~に浴する :bask in ~
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Three Sentences (335)

2021年09月05日 10時05分55秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        残りの~ :the remaining ~

① The remaining cost can be raised through crowdfunding.

② The remaining 10 passengers were killed in a crash.

③ The reamining staff will be available in time for the event.
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2021年09月02日 09時52分52秒 | Weblog
When you deal with problems, what's the most important thing you learned from your parents?

Well, I think the most important thing I learned from my mother
is that humans are emotional creatures.
So, if you give no consideration to the other person's feelings,
this means you don't recognize the person as a human being.
That's why we should be careful of our language and attitude especially when we deal with problems.
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