k-sun's Blog


Today's Writing (126)

2013年05月27日 19時19分54秒 | Weblog
Prayer -- that is courage of never-give-up spirit
and the battle to beat out weakness that makes you droop your head,
saying, "That's not possible."
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Three Sentences (21)

2013年05月24日 17時48分17秒 | Weblog
Three illustrative sentences of my own composition

        recent ~ :先の~、先日の~

① Japan's Prime Minister had an opportunity to make a speech at the recent
United Nations General Meeting.

② The Japanese governing parties increased their seats in the Diet after the
recent Lower House general election.

③ The famous table tennis player finished second at the recent championship tournament.
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Today's Writing (125)

2013年05月21日 13時10分21秒 | Weblog
The late foremost expert on clinical psychology, Mr. Hayao Kawai, says,
"To be is to create one's own story."
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Three Sentences (20)

2013年05月19日 19時00分29秒 | Weblog
Three illustrative sentences of my own composition

        more than ever :いよいよ多く、ますます、これまでになく
        more than ever before :かつてないほどに

① I am sure that the hope that China should be democratized is more than ever before
growing all over the world.

② Success in the global business world today more than ever depends on supercomputers.

③ The strong yen dealt a heavy blow to firms which has more than ever depended on exports.
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Today's Writing (124)

2013年05月16日 14時59分06秒 | Weblog
Credible individuals will never fail to win.
Even if you have nothing, trust is treasure.
The fundamental way to gain trust is to abide by a promise.
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Three Sentences (19)

2013年05月14日 18時24分05秒 | Weblog
Three illustrative sentences of my own composition

        express sympathy for ~ :~にお見舞いの言葉を述べる

① The Emperor and Empress expressed sympathy for people who fled from disaster areas
devastated by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami.

② I'd like to express sympathy for those who were involved in the accident.

③ He expressed sympathy for the couple who lost their daughter to a gun.
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Today's Writing (123)

2013年05月11日 19時34分32秒 | Weblog
Next spring after they burn the dead grass off a mountain,
they will never fail to see sprouting of grass.
Even if the grass is burned, its root is alive.
This goes for our lives.
Those who have their roots will never fail to be prosperous.
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Three Sentences (18)

2013年05月09日 18時43分39秒 | Weblog
Three illustrative sentences of my own composition

        with a degree of ~ :~程度で

① I should choose what I really need to read because here are so many documents
with varying degrees of confidence.

② The intelligence agent was required to report the president's schedule with
a great degree of certainty.

③ The suspect was so strange that what he said was taken with a great degree of skepticism.
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Today's Writing (122)

2013年05月06日 20時15分11秒 | Weblog
According to one of the Asahi Shinsho,
"Conditions of companies which will survive for 100 years",
tradition is not what we should gurard but what we should newly create each day.
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Three Sentences (17)

2013年05月04日 16時03分26秒 | Weblog
Three illustrative sentences of my own composition

        a best before date :賞味期限
        a use-by date :消費期限

① At first I had poor understanding of best before and use-by dates.

② Have you ever thrown away the food just after its best before date?

③ I really don't want to eat the food after its use-by date.
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