k-sun's Blog


Three Sentences (253)

2018年12月30日 13時14分14秒 | Weblog

Three example sentences of my own composition

        ~に対処できる :I can handle ~

① Our son has become old enough to handle his own problem.

② The actress could not handle jealousy.

③ I'm not sure if I can handle verbal abuse by my boss.

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2018年12月28日 12時24分04秒 | Weblog

When you want to figure out the true personality of your boyfriend/girlfriend,
which do you think is better, a date with just the two of you or a triple date?

Well, I think a triple date is better.
Because I think her true personality is likely to be manifested in interaction
with her friends rather than with me.
And so I will be able to figure out her character more objectively than usual.

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2018年12月26日 12時52分15秒 | Weblog

警句、箴言、名言 :an aphorism
誰かあなたの代わりを探す :look for someone to take your place
私はこんなことを言える立場にはないのだけれど :
                I am not in a position to say this, but SV
立派な人間 :a wonderful human being
展望デッキ :a viewing deck
百聞は一見に如かず :A picture is worth a thousand words.

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Today's Writing (357)

2018年12月24日 12時35分44秒 | Weblog

A person of intelligence says, "If you have no difficulty, you will have no cause of victory."

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2018年12月22日 14時55分49秒 | Weblog

You are sure that you left your wallet on the kitchen table in your apartment.
But when you get home, it has gone.
Talk to your roommate about it.

Listen, I'm in a terrible pinch.
I'm sure I left my wallet on the kitchen table, but actually it's gone.
Didn't you see it?
I might have misplaced or dropped it somewhere.
Would you help me search our apartment?

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2018年12月20日 12時05分05秒 | Weblog

会話 :conversations
~するのに困っている :have trouble --ing
過去から学ぶ :learn lessons from the past
ヤル気をなくす :lose one's motivation
人の最盛期に :in one's prime
~に限定される :be confined to 名詞

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Three Sentences (249)

2018年12月18日 12時20分43秒 | Weblog

Three example sentences of my own composition

        ~することに満足を感じる :feel comfortable --ing

① Please feel comfortable staying with us.

② The participants seemed to feel comfortable giving feedback.

③ I cannot feel comfortable working for such an arrogant leader.

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2018年12月16日 12時23分48秒 | Weblog

Suppose you have secretly read your sister's diary and found out that she has struggled with bulimia.
What would you do? (bulimia :過食症 :ビューリーミア:リーにアクセント)

Well, actually, I think it's difficult because I've got her secret from her diary.
And I have little knowledge of bulimia, so I would search the Internet for information
about support groups for those who are bulimic.
And I would try to go to one of the support groups for advice because they may have some tips
which could help me address the situation and could help my sister get professional assistance.

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2018年12月14日 12時26分03秒 | Weblog

自立心を高める :increase a sense of independence
人を責める :put the blame on 人
太陽を黄色で描く :paint a picture of the sun with yellow
桜のうすピンクの色合い :the pale pink hue of cherry blossoms
(PCなどの)キーボードを打つ :tap away at (a laptop/ my computer)
人に好かれる :likable

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Today's Writing (356)

2018年12月12日 12時33分05秒 | Weblog

Only true persons can write truth and only righteous persons can convey justice.
There is not a sentence or a slice of history without people.

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