my way of translation (3) 8/31

2022年08月31日 09時52分30秒 | 翻訳・通訳
Business operators in the 21st century :

The persons who can get their ways through difficulties by themselves, having a mind of independence, not relying on anything, and not being swayed by anything. Who could be more flexible than anyone, could operate their businesses based on their own free ideas. This type of persons would be a new era's business operators, who could extend their businesses big in the 21st century.


my way of translation (3) 8/30

2022年08月30日 07時23分37秒 | 翻訳・通訳
Management in which all members participate:

When you are ordered to do some work, you are just doing that work without any purpose or conscious.
On the other hand, when you are asked to participate in management, you will come to positively say what you are thinking with a sense of responsibility or mission to accomplish the work coming to you.
