from a newspaper information

2017年07月20日 10時26分22秒 | 新聞記事から
It is learned that Yamahisa, a soy-sauce production and selling company, located in Shodoshima, Kagawa, will launch into producing a new type of miso by using olive flowers. Miso is what is made from soy beans utilizing the power of koubo, or yeast. The new idea the company will adpot in a new product is that they will use yeast developed from olive flowers. Completed product is said to have milder and mellower taste than traditional one. They are going to put the products on sale around the autumn season next year.

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from a newspaper information

2017年07月19日 18時04分25秒 | 新聞記事から
Toppan Printing Co. will launch into the so-called local area-revitalizing projects focusing on tourism and health care activities in the Chugoku and Shikoku regions. Regarding tourism initiatives, they intend to send information on a lot of attractions by using the virtual realty technology, for example, creating the image of the Takamatsu Castle's Tower, actually nonexistent, on the screens of smartphones or other devices. In the field of health care, collaboration with municipalities and private firms is expected to enhance the awareness of the people in each community. With these ideas, they will seek to attain the sales of as much as ¥5 billion in three years.
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from a recent newspaper information

2017年07月18日 16時27分05秒 | 自分の意見の陳述
Yosakoi Dance of Kochi is to be promoted overseas:
Japan International Cooperation Agency, or JICA, decided to dispatch a volunteer personnel to Paraguay for giving instruction people there for Yosakoi Dance. This is the first intiative that a person has been sent abroad for the purpose of giving instructions in Yosakoi Dance.This is what is realized by Kochi prefectural government in coperation with JICA. And Kochi prefecture's aim is to promote inbound tourism to the ptrefecture from overseas.
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from a recent newspaper information

2017年07月18日 15時55分43秒 | 新聞記事から
Taiyo Farm is the biggest pig farm in Ehime, located in Seiyo City. According to a recent information I have come to know in a newspaper, they will likely to expand their raising pig heads. They has a plan to increase their shipment of pig meat up to 90,000 to 100,000 pigs per year by the year of 2020, which is about 1.5 times the present level. At present pig farms are decresing nationwide in number although the total demand is not diminishing. Given such conditions, Taiyo faram is going to deal with pork demand which is persistently great in the supermarkets and the food service industry.
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from a recent media information

2017年07月17日 18時05分15秒 | 新聞記事から
There is an internship custom in the business world before they actually employ young people.
The internship is what is done so that young people can grasp a company's real aspect of activities. Acoording to some data by a newspaper, there are many which are going to carry out one-day internship
,whose number is to increase this year more some 70% than the previous year. Given such conditions as manpower showtage, the competion of acquiring good human resources among firms are getting severe.
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