from today's Nikkei

2008年08月29日 09時40分39秒 | 新聞記事から
総合経済対策 事業規模は10兆円 きょう決定 定額減税なお調整 高速料金 一部半額に

The government and ruling parties have decided Thursday the outline of the comprehensive measures for promoting the economy to cope with the difficulties triggered by the soaring oil and food prices.The estimated total cost of the projects would be about 10 trillion yen. The tax reduction, whose content is a certain amount of tax reduction in income tax, is still under discussion. Another measure is the one for express highway toll reduction to half in some areas to begin around October.
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from today's Nikkei

2008年08月28日 10時26分54秒 | 新聞記事から
ドル防衛 秘密合意 日米欧、3月の金融危機時 強調介入を準備 基軸通貨に危機感

It is learned that financial authorities in Japan,the U.S. and EU had reached a secret agreement in defending the dollar centering on the strategy of sustaining the currency through the joint buying in March, when the dollar plunged suddenly due to the uncertainties in the U.S. financial market triggered by the so-called subprime problem.They had also prepared to issue a joint emergency statement for keeping stable the world's foreign exchange markets.Althouh there have been only a few cases in the past of the dollar-defending strategy initiated by the U.S.,there is a possibility that in the near future major economic nations including the U.S. will seek another concerted cooperation against another upcoming crisis.we hav e to say that it is a time when they have to have a sense of crisis even towards the world's key currency,the U.S. dollar.
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from today's Nikkei

2008年08月26日 09時14分15秒 | 新聞記事から
WTO加盟 ロシア、交渉凍結も グルジア巡り プーチン首相 米欧と対立姿勢 大統領 NATOと断絶示唆

Russia has continued its occupatiopn in some parts of Georgia against the peace agreement regarding the Georgia dispute, and on August 25 Russia's Premier Vladimir Putin said that the country would freeze the talks on WTO entry,saying " There might not be a merit in getting the membership of WTO for Russia."Demitrii Medevedev,Russia's President,also expressed on the same day his tough stance that would lead to breaking off relations with NATO member nations.In these circumstances there is highly a possibility that the ralation between Russia and the the U.S. and European countries would be worsening.
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from today's Nikkei

2008年08月21日 14時36分25秒 | 新聞記事から
東京ガスなど 最大 公営ガスを買収へ 仙台市営 600億円超 顧客基盤を拡大 公営事業の民営化加速

Tokyo Gas Company,Limited,Tohoku Electric Power Co.,Inc. and Japan Petroleum Exploration Co.,Ltd. have decided to jointly take over the Sendai municipality-operated gas business,which is expected to be privatized in 2010.The above three companies are going to set up a joint company,by which they will offer for the bid which Sendai municipal government is thinking in September for the city's gas-supplying business to be succeeded by the private sector.The projected amount of money for the deal is more than 60 billion yen, which is the highest-ever in the public gas business takeover deal.For Tokyo Gas, there is a merit in that it can enhance its business cost competitiveness through expanding its business area and the number of its customer. Now there are some 30 public gas-supplying operators across the nation and they are all facing difficulties in continuing their business mainly due to resource price hikes. In these circumstances,from now on,a lot of business privatization in this field will take place.
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from today's Nikkei

2008年08月06日 11時12分43秒 | 新聞記事から
日航、21路線廃止・減便 全日空は約10路線 燃料高騰、地方便を直撃 

Japan Airlines Corporation has decided to abolish some of its flight routes at home and abroad or reduce the number of the flights,mainly due to soaring fuel price hikes.The affected flight route numbers are 21. Following the suit,All Nippon Airways Co.,Ltd.also will do the same for its about 10 flight routes.The movements have hit local flights especially, where it is more difficult than international flights that fuel price hikes are transferred to passengers.
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