around this season-camellia-

2006年02月28日 11時58分25秒 | 近況報告
Around this season, flowers begin to bloom here and there,in fields and
gardens.Also on roadsides ,river banks ,and mountains.This photo was taken recently in a garden of a house. There are lots of flowers bloomong and also lots of buds coming out as flowers. On the foot of the tree are scattered flowers. In the backdrop,you can see blue sky. The combination of the blue sky and green and red colors of camellia tree,I believe,makes you feel comfortable.Sring has come.
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2006年02月28日 08時10分22秒 | 語源
"Ina Bauer" has become highlighted because Shizuka Arakawa got the Gold Medal in female figure skating in Turin Olymic Games. Now Ina Bauer is her trademark. But many think what Ina Bauer is, or why it is so called. So do I.The truth is that the word has come from a person's name,who first tried performing this style skating. The person was a German,who won the fourth place in the World Championship both in 1958 and 1959,and whose name is Ina Bauer.


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from today's Nikkei

2006年02月28日 08時09分20秒 | 新聞記事から
設備投資 損金算入 全額可能に
原価償却 全面見直し
自民税調 来月から議論


設備投資:facility investment ( spending),investment ( spending)
money invested in facilities
減価償却:depreciation ( cost)
自民:the Liberal Democratic Party( LDP)
税調:the Tax Committee


According to a today's Nikkei, the Tax Committtee of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) will fullfledgedly revise the present tax regualtions related to depreciation .People cocerned say they would like to revise the present regulations so that accumulated depreciation cost will be possible until to the the amount of the money actually invested in facilities.This revisin is for strengthening domestic companies' business competence in global markets.The Tax Committee of LDP will start its discussion next month.
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from today's Nikkei(間違っていた,さらにいまひとつ)

2006年02月27日 08時35分09秒 | 新聞記事から
共同出資で来月に設立 企業需要を開拓

According to a today's newspaper report, Yamato will likely set up a new distribution company with Seino.People concerned say that the new company is to be established next month as a joint venture,which is going to exploit corporate demand.This intends for Yamato to get off from its tendency of being too much dependent on home delivery services by making an alliance with another company in the same industry.
which はa joint venture を先行詞とする、関係代名詞(継続用法)。
People concerned:関係者
関係する役人:official(s )concerned
関係筋:the source(s) concerned
全てconcerned をつける。which is concerened の意味で、関係する。過去分詞。

脱却はget out of の方が素直かな。

( 修正点)
will likely to set up ...→ will likely set up...

intend はよく使われる単語だが、この場合主語がthis はおかしいかも。Yamatoが主語になりそうだ。
Yamato intends to get out of too much dependence on home delivery services.か。

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from Saturday's and Sunday's Nikkei

2006年02月26日 21時07分53秒 | 新聞記事から
from Sturday
三菱UFJ みずほ 米に金融持ち株会社

Mitsubishi-UFJ financial group and Mizuho financial group are planning to establish financial holding companies in the United States.They are going to launch trust banking businesses in a full-fledged basis.But they will do it after they finish their payment-back of public funds.(But they will do it after they complete paying back all public funds they borrowed.)

投資銀行とはなんでしょうね?trust bank といわれているものだと思うのですが。

from Sunday
日産 妊娠判明で産前休暇
東京海上日動 小3まで5時間勤務


It is leaned that comapnies are delibearting on various measures for suporting their employees' child cares.These measures are aimed at preventing declining birthrate in Japan.(Thus, There have been coming out various types of supprting systems for increasing birth-rate in Japan.)
According to these plans, for example ,in Nissan, when the pregnancy of its empolyee is found out,prior-to-childbirth leave is permitted.And in Tokyo Mrine & Fire and Nichido,until employees' children are at the third grade in primary schools(or are third graders in primary schools), their parents, or its employees, are permittted to work 5 hours a day, if they want.

産前休暇:before-childbirth leave の方が素直か?
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