from today's Nikkei

2009年12月19日 13時41分20秒 | 新聞記事から
ホンダ、中国に新工場 年12万台、200億円超投資 現地70万台体制

It is learned that Honda Motor Co.,Ltd will build a new plant in Wuhan(武漢),Hubei Province,China.With an estimated amount of investment of more than 20 billion yen, Honda intends to get the production capacity of about 120,000 units a year level. The operation is expected to start in 2011. This deal makes Honda reach the local production capacity level of about 70,000 units of vehicles in China.

from today's Nikkei

2009年12月18日 23時36分47秒 | 新聞記事から
新興国モデル広がる 低価格 現地習慣に配慮 キャノ 複写機 東芝 パソコン

A lot of Japanese companies are getting momentum to develop model products aimed at exclusively marketing the so-called developing countries. Specifically, Canon Inc. has recently decided, considering local tarde custom in China, to begin to sell the low-priced copy machine there. And also Toshiba Corporation has started to develop PCs for selling in the developing countries only.