possibilty for some changes

2016年03月29日 06時19分02秒 | 日本の歌を英語で歌うとすれば
Daling, I'm now coming to you
Darling I am coming to you

To be a foolish woman forgive me
As I'm a fool, forgive me

That guy rushed me and I loved him
That guy rushed me then I loved him

Really crazy and stupid
Really crazy into a mess

On your knees I want to sleep there
On your knees do I want to sleep

sing a song in English

2016年03月27日 22時10分19秒 | 日本の歌を英語で歌うとすれば

Long time no write:

The following is what I like to sing recently.
The original song is called "東京迷猫.”

Darling, I'm now coming to you
To be a foolish woman forgive me
That guy rushed me and I loved him
Really crazy and stupid
Incredibly tonight.....
Is a really freezing cold night
I want to drink with you tonight
Now in Toko, a strayed cat

Darling, I'm now coming to you
Leave the door of your room open for me
When through the valleys of building I wander
Crows are laughing at me in the sky
Mixed with the sleet....
A cold rain makes me wet
Don't be hard on me for I would die
Now in Tokyo, a strayed car

Darling, I'm now coming to you
Without any word hold me in your arms
If once or twice you beat me, alright
Washing it away is what I want now
Having my own way...
For my selfishness i'm so sorry
On your knees I want to sleep there
Now in Tokyo, a strayed cat

I want to drink with you tonight
Now in Tokyo, a strayed cat

traveler to the north

2013年09月06日 07時46分13秒 | 日本の歌を英語で歌うとすれば
The Japanese words here,as you can easily guess, are not my creation, but came
from those written by Yoko Yamaguchi, a famous female songwriter in Japan.

たどりついたら  みさきのはずれ
When I've reached the place, it's a tip of a cape.

赤い 灯がつく ぽつりとひとつ
Red light, the only thing that I can see there

いまでも あなたを まってると
I'm waiting for you yet now.

いとしいおまえの  よぶこえが
My beloved your voice could be heard

おれのせなかで  かぜになる
Far away off my back it(the voice) turns to the wind.

よるの 釧路は  雨になるだろう
In the night, Kushiro, it will soon to rain.

ふるいさかばで うわさをきいた
At an old bar I heard a rumor.

まどの むこうは  こがらし まじり
Cold, winter wind is blowing heavily outside.

半年まえまで  いたという
Till six months ago you had stayed here.

crying, drinking, weeping.

どこへいったか  細い影
To where are you gone, your body not strong?

よるの 函館  霧がつらすぎる
In the night,Hakodate, the fog is puzzling me.

そらで ちぎれる  あの汽笛さえ
Even that whistle heard in the air

ないて わかれる  さいはて港
has to cry and part at a northen port.

いちどは この手に 抱きしめて
at least once I wanna embrace you,

なかせて やりたいおもいきり
and I wanna have you cry fully.

消えぬ面影   たずねびと
I can't forget you I'm serching for.

よるの   小樽は  雪が肩に舞う
In the night, Ohtaru, the snow is falling down toward me.


2013年09月06日 07時21分53秒 | 日本の歌を英語で歌うとすれば
This kind of translation will help you enhance your English, I believe.The Japanese words here are not my creation, but came from those written by Takao Saiki, a famous song writer, especially active in the period around the 1960s.

あなたをまてば、 あめがふる
When I am waiting for you, it is raining.

You may get wet, or something like that.

ああ、ビルのほとりの、 ティールーム
Aa, surrounded by buildings, a tea room.

あめもいとしや うたってる 甘いブルース
Dear the rain, it's singing a sweet blues.

You and I have decided the word.

At Yuraku-cho I will meet you.

こころに沁みる あめの歌
Moving my heart, the rain is singing.

駅のホームも ねれたろ
The platform, too, may be drenched with rain.

ああ 小雨にけむる デパートよ
Aa, (a) department store smoking in the rain.

今日のシネマハロードショウ かわす囁き
Today's films are a road show, exchanged whispering.

You and I have decided the word.

At Yuraku-cho I will meet you.

悲しい宵は  悲しよに
When I am depressed, worying about me,

もえるやさしい まちあかり
shining tenderly, (a) street light.

ああ いのちをかけた  恋の花
Aa, I am betting my life on a flower.

さいておくれよいつまでも  いついつまでも
(I) hope the flower will bloom, forever with no end.

You and I have decided the word.

At Yuraku-cho I will meet you.

forever mine

2006年03月24日 12時07分47秒 | 日本の歌を英語で歌うとすれば
山下達郎の唄「forever mine」の英語転換です。requestによるもの。ただしまだ実際には歌って試していないので、結果、若干の修正が必要になるかも知れません。

Forever mine

僕だけが あなたを守れる
Only I can hold you in this world
In this world , only I,
僕だけが あなたを愛せる
Just only I can love you
Much(deeper) than any other man
In a silky rain together with you
Until the daybreak
I wanna brace you like this, all the time
(I wanna brace you like this,( for a) long time)
Here, in my breast, in my arms
Dream which we stopped having
Let’s call it again to come
溶けてゆこう 僕とほんとの愛の静寂(しじま)へ
And we two shall go into the calmness of true love, together.

いつだって あなたをみていた
Always , I've watched you
Cowardly, in the twilight
With a bluff and lonely pride
But all has gone ,and now, it’s shade

Here, you are entering the infinity of time
Returning to yourself, facing your true yourself

In a silky rain together with you
Until the daybreak
I wanna brace you like this, all the time
(I wanna brace you like this,( for a) long time)
Here, in my breast, in my arms
Dream which we stopped having
Let’s call it again to come
溶けてゆこう 僕とほんとの愛の静寂(しじま)へ
And we two shall go into the calmness of true love, together.
Here,we shall kiss and go fall
Into the calmness of eternal love
Into the calmness of true love