my way of translation 8/30

2022年08月30日 07時10分25秒 | 翻訳・通訳
When one makes a mistake, how one deals with that mistake will decide that person's true value. (mistake)
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my way of translation (3) 8/29

2022年08月29日 08時14分39秒 | 翻訳・通訳
A place of 99% is not your goal:

No matter how hard you may try to reach perfection, mistakes might not be reduced to zero. However, if you think 99% would be good enough, you would have to accept a 90% perfection. Then, it would be 80%, and 70%. What would come next is the slackness of your company's management with the disciplines getting worse. Your goal should be 100 %.

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my way of translation (2) 8/29

2022年08月29日 08時07分54秒 | 翻訳・通訳
There is an economic development only when politics are working well. I think business people should think how politics should be.
(politics and business people)
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my way of translation 8/29

2022年08月29日 07時55分46秒 | 翻訳・通訳
Increasing your income is important, but what is more important is avoiding waste and not making futile things. (waste)
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my way of translation (3) 8/28

2022年08月28日 09時06分51秒 | 翻訳・通訳
There is no limit in service:

There is some limit in prices, qualities, or shipping dates of your goods, no matter how hard you may try to offer good services.
But originally there is no limit in your attitudes and services to your customers.

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