
2014年01月29日 10時09分09秒 | 文法的整理

例えば、every time when S V の構文について、私は何度も言及しています。
現在の解説では、every time そのものが接続詞として考えられていますので、
every time SV で、いいのですが。

これに似たものに、each time / the first time /the next time / the last time /
the moment/ the instant 等があります。

そのままSVを導いて、when とかthat とかをつけない。

個人的な見解としては、なぜwhen 等がつかないのかと思いますが、現在の解説ではそうなっていますから、
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from the January 17 Nikkei

2014年01月22日 11時39分25秒 | 新聞記事から
アジア、投資規制緩和 資金留出歯止め狙う 対象事業拡大 日本企業の商機広がる

There are an increasing number of moves in emerging economies in Asia that they are going to ease their regulations of investment by foreign funds. In indonesia, for example,easing of regulation is being considered in the business fiels such as infrastructure facility management and advertisement. In India also, they have established an environment where foreign firms are able to collect money in the country in a more flexible way than ever before.These moves are surely aimed at inducing foreign investors' long-term money into their own countries, facing the situation that short-term funds are flowing out of their copuntries against the backdrop of the US monetary policy, a gradual shrinkage of its quantitative monetary easing. These will give many Japanese companies more business opportunities than before in Asia.
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from the January 18 Nikkei

2014年01月22日 11時06分49秒 | 新聞記事から
外国人の就労拡大検討 新成長戦略 実習期間を延長 法人税率下げも 課税対象拡大

The ouline of the new growth strategy which the government will have finised compiling by June this year as been made known to the media. It includes an idea that will cope with shortage of labor force at home, caused by a declining birthrate. The idea intends to create an environment where more and more foreigners will have a chance to get a job in a more easier way than before. There is a kind of probation system in which foreigners with some necessary qualifications are able to work for 3 years at longest, and the period of its probation system wilk be under discussion for extending. Among what will be considered is corporate tax reduction, which has so far long been referred to.
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from the January 19 Nikkei

2014年01月22日 10時14分26秒 | 新聞記事から
資金もアジア現地調達 三菱自、タイで借り入れ、オリックスは社債、 為替リスクを回避

Some Japanese companies are going to raise their funds for their growth strategies in the South Asian financial markets,it is learned.Specifically, Mitsubishi Motors Corporation has raised borrowing of funds in Thailand for expanding the automobile production, and Hino Motors also has followed suit in Indonesia. Another is a move by Orix Corporation that it has isseued its corporate bonds. These efforts are aimed at averting a possible risk related to the the exchange rate fluctuation.
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from the Nikkei (January 20)

2014年01月21日 10時47分47秒 | 新聞記事から
子育て世代 働く女性最多 35~44歳、初の7割超 景気回復 環境も改善 
There are an increasing number of women who are working while raising their children. According to data of a survey by the Internal Affairs and Communications Ministry, the ratio of women now having a job and seeking a job among those of 35 to 44 ages stands at 71.3 percent as an average from January to November in 2013, up 1.6 points from the coresponding period a year before.In the circumstances that among those who belong to this age group there are many who have to give up their jobs because of their responsibility for raising their children, it is the first ever that the ratio exceeds the 70 percent threshold. This is considered to be what has resulted from favorable factors such as economic recovery and establishment of more and more nurseries.
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