from today's Nikkei

2007年06月30日 09時24分02秒 | 新聞記事から
内部統制ルール実質緩和 金融庁方針 企業の負担軽減 部署・拠点 自主点検の範囲狭く
The Financial Services Agency has decided to virtually ease the so-called "corporate internal mamagement rule",which is to be applied to all the listed companies from fiscal 2008.This decision is aimed at alleviating companies' burden for these activities.The areas which are obliged to be checked yearly,when the initial standards were decided,will be eased.Specifically,the number of sections or branches which are to be examined,will be lowerd down from the initialy decided more than two-thirds of company's total sales.
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2007年06月29日 13時08分56秒 | 自分の意見の陳述
以下の話は、参考になるかも知れません。今私は英語に関してどちらかと言えば調子が悪いです。けれども、こうした調子の悪いときこそ、継続すべきなのです。勉強をですね。日本語でも調子の悪いときはあります。けれども、日本語は調子が悪いと言って使用を中止するわけにはいきません。ところが、英語の使用は中止しても生活に支障が無いので、中止しようとすればできます。だけど、そこで踏ん張って、続ける事で、きっと、ちかい将来、step-upするのじゃないですかね。今私はcasioの電子辞書を使っていますが、この中に「英語類語辞典」があります。これは便利です。言葉の幅を広げる事が滑らかな英語能力の獲得に繋がるでしょう。審査するを私はscrutinizeを使いましたが、類語辞典でscrutinizeをinput すると、examine,investigate,check, inspect,look over, look through, study,go through ,test,trace, analyze,look into, go over等がでてきます。
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from today's Nikkei

2007年06月29日 12時33分05秒 | 新聞記事から
国有地売却 用途も審査 財務省方針 転売など防止 新方式導入 09年度、法改正へ
The Ministry of Finance has decided to introduce a new system in which when the ministry sell national lands to private sectors,it will comprehensively scrutinize the utilization of the lands as well as bid prices of them.This is because the ministry would like to prevent private sector's buyers from reselling lands after buying them for getting only profits without any plans of utilizing the ex-national lands.
Currently, the ministry intends to sell out about 900 sites of lands across the country by the end of fiscal 2015. But the current legislation is believed to be not enough in order to urge the private sector to appropriately buy and utilize national lands.Then the ministry will revise the current related legislation in 2009 and set up the new scheme.
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from yesterday's Nikkei

2007年06月28日 09時56分48秒 | 新聞記事から
不動産価格情報を集約 データベース 国交省構築へ 個人向けに公表 賃料・維持費も
The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport likely will establish the database of real estate property transaction information such as land prices, rental fees and management fees in around fiscal 2008.While currently,it operates several databases separetely,it will integrates them and makes them seen through the Internet by people.
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from today's Nikkei

2007年06月28日 09時16分52秒 | 新聞記事から
特許料 最大4割下げへ 来年 企業の負担軽減へ 特許庁方針 商標権更新料も
The Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry and The Patent Agency have dedided to reduce the patent fees patentees pay every year by 20 to 40 percent in 2008.In terms with trademark rights,which are protecting such things as companies' logo marks,registering fee of their renewal also will be reduced.The aim of these measures is that the government intends to strengthen the infrastructure of companies' technological innovation as well as alleviate companies' burdens by creating the environment where companies get patents or trademark rights and maintain them more easily.
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