from today's Nikkei

2007年08月31日 10時24分51秒 | 新聞記事から
日本製紙 レンゴーと生産統合 設備廃棄し効率を改善 ダンボール原紙で 製紙再編が再始動
Nippon Paper Group,Ltd., the second-ranked company in the paper manufacturing industry, and Rengo Co.,Ltd.,the fourth-ranked company in the indfustry,have decided to actually integrade their production of cardboard material paper,which acounts for about 30% in the domestic market,aroud next spring.The two companies intend to cut their production capacity by abolishing the equipment and closing some plants for the purpose of improving their productivity.The two's bid might lead to igniting the industry's realignment again.
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from today's Nikkei

2007年08月30日 10時27分41秒 | 新聞記事から
ダム建設費膨張9兆円 工期延長設計変更 一段の肥大化も 149基調査、当初計画比1.4倍
According to a survey conducted by The Nihon Keizai Shimbun,it is learned that the combined costs of the 149 dam projects now under construction by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport across the nation has come to be about 9.1 trillion yen, increasing to nearly 1.4 times the initial estimate. The main reasons are such things as construction period extensions or design changes.Even in the projects which were cancelled becuse of their futility after scrutinizing the usefullness of the construction of each project,there seem to be movements to restrat them.Given these circumstances, there is a possibility that the construction cost swells further.
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from today's Nikkei

2007年08月29日 09時40分31秒 | 新聞記事から
安倍内閣 支持率41%、13ポイント上昇 「安定感」9ポイント上昇 改造に一定の評価 首相続投には「反対」49%
The Nihon Keizai Shimbun conducted a snap poll from the 27th to the 28th of this month, and its results showed that the approval rating for the Abe's reshuffled cabinet was 41 %, up 13 percentage points from the previous poll at the ednd of July.As those who replyed they could feel "sense of steadiness" toward the cabinet acconted for 20%, up 9 percentage points from the previous survey, the cabinet reshuffle is believed to get a ceratain level of evaluation from the public.But, with regard to the Abe's judgement after the upper house election of not stepping down the premiership,those who expressed opposition to it accounted for 49%,exceeding 40 % those expressing approval accounted for.
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from today's Nikkei

2007年08月28日 11時47分55秒 | 新聞記事から
安倍改造内閣発足 官房与謝野氏 厚労枡添氏 総務に増田前知事 財務は額賀氏
Reshuffled Abe cabinet started on the evening of August 27, with vetran and influential politicians appointed to the key cabinet posts, and all the strength and powers of ruling parties united.Specifically, vetran lawmaker,Kaoru Yosdano,well- known as a policy expert, was named chief cabinet secretary.Youichi Msuzoe,the LDP's policy board chairman in the upper house, who lambasted Abe for not stepping down after the massive defeat in the July 29 upper house race, was named health,labor and welfare minister.AS a new cabinet member from private sector,former Iwate Governor Hiroya Masuda was named internal affairs and communications minister.Fukushiro Nukaga was named finance minister.

参考:with +名詞+分詞の構文はよくあるわけで、本日も二つ使っています。 with vetran and influential politicians appointed to the key cabinet posts では、appointed の前にbeingが本来あったわけですが、これが省略されています。またwith...all the strength and powers of ruling parties unitedではunitedの前にbeingがあったものが省略されています。with がつく文章は、主節の主語とwith のあとにくる分詞の動詞の主語が当然違うわけです。上の文章では、Reshuffled Abe cabinet とvetran and influential politicians とall the strength and powers of ruling parties の三つの名詞が動詞の主語として機能しています。だから、この文章は1センテンスだけれども、ほんとうは3センテンスに区切って表現すれば、きわめてわかりよい。だけれども、with を使うことで、1つのセンテンスに簡潔化できるわけでもあります。
on the evening of August 27: 普通はin the evening といいますが、このようにeveningが特定の日に限定されると前置詞はonになります。
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from today's Nikkei

2007年08月27日 09時43分57秒 | 新聞記事から
東証 金で運用の投信(上場投信信託:ETF)上場 来春 現物と交換可能 「取引所再編」再燃も
Tokyo Stock Exchange has decided to list gold-price-linked Exchange Traded Fund in its bourse around next spring.This ETF straddles both fields of securities and commodities, and makes investers' option wider than before.So, there would be a possibility that the issue of realignment of stock and commodity exchanges recurs.
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