隻手の声(佐藤節夫)The voice of one hand clapping.


あかつきの漂泊者A wanderer at dawn(9)   

2007-06-19 09:09:52 | Weblog
あかつきの漂泊者A wanderer at dawn(9)   平成丁亥年水無月十九日


I'm half way through my trip around the world and thought its time for a little review.

Seven countries down, three to go... I've now been to India, England, France, Germany, Holland, and am currently in Spain. I arrived in Barcelona on Friday afternoon and my hostel is in a residential area. Found a small local cafe to have some tapas, and the lady didn't speak any English. This is what I love about travelling, when I feel out of my comfort zone. England, Holland and Germany didn't give me any real challenges when it came to talking the language, everyone can speak great English, but I love when I'm forced to look up a sentence, use sign language and order something I have and have no idea what it is!

I've been on some great day trips, saw too many monuments and museums to remember - except Salvadore Dali in Paris, loved his work, and found some great deals in markets that seem to pop up in every city in Europe.

One problem is the food, it's fantastic. If nothing else I've eaten like a queen. I have to try every new dish that a country offers. I was eating sausages for breakkie for a week in Germany after I said I wanted to try some, and Rolf, Ray's cousin, bought at least 12 varieties. I had escargot in France, and chocolate and cheese in Holland. And LOTS of pastries and crepes in Paris. I still have Spain, Italy, Mexico and Brazil to visit, so I'm sure food will continue to be my biggest expense.

I've hit a point where I meet so many people at every country I visit but I crave some familiar faces. The next two months will be lots of fun, but I'm really excited about August 14th, my home coming!!! Until then I'll make the most of carrying my life on my back.

Missing you all so much!


I think communication is difficult. You can speak English very well. So among England, Holland and Germany, you didn't have to challenge.
Now Salvador Dali's exhibition has been held at Nagoya city museum in Japan. 今、サルバドール・ダリ展は名古屋市美術館で開かれている。
When you come home, you’ll have the greatest joy “I have grown up.” like Nils Holgerssons underbara resa genom Sverige.(Swedish)ニルスの不思議な旅
I think after his trip he has been aware that he made friends with animals, human beings and nature, and Happy didn’t come without loving the others.
Please make the most of carrying your life on your back.
